Stops - Where Do You Place Your Stops?

I promised MarketClub member, Tommy Beard that I would release this today...

Here is Joe Ross's Seminar on "STOPS"

Joe Ross, an active professional trader, author, and educator, is president of Ross Trading International . He holds a degree in business administration from U.C.L.A. He is best known as the inventor of the Ross hook. He has written Trading by the Book, Trading by the Minutes, and Trading is a Business.

In the workbook below, Joe raises the question, "Where Do You Place The Stop?" You will learn which specific items are important to consider for stop placement. You will learn several techniques for placing protective, objective, entry and exit stops. You will learn to place stops based upon natural support and resistance and volatility. You will be taught about small profit objective stops and full profit objective stops. You will learn how to properly trail stops and how to increase the size or your protective stops using OPM. Joe shows you how to "curve fit" market volatility, and how and when to use Fibonacci expansions for objective stops.

Learn about:

  • Mechanical Stops: As dictated by mechanized trading systems.
  • Protective Stops: To protect against loss, or to protect profits.
  • Entry Stops: To initiate a trade.
  • Exit Stops: To terminate a trade.

Also Learn About Stops Considerations based around:

  • The size of the margin account
  • Margin requirements
  • Individual psychological and emotional tolerance
  • You economic tolerance for loss
  • The number of existing open positions already held
  • Market volatility
  • The rate of trade
  • The tick size

Read about this and more in Joe Ross's work book, "Stops- Where Do You Place The Stops?"

Listen to Joe Ross on "Stops"
Follow Along In Workbook

"The point I'm trying to make here is that a lot of traders end up stopping themselves out of a market when there is no need." -Joe Ross


3 thoughts on “Stops - Where Do You Place Your Stops?

  1. I notice that you have posted the audio and visual of a talk I gave at a TAG conference many years ago; probably 1991-92. A lot of that material is really outdated. The markets have changed dramatically since I gave that talk at the conference. Ordering is now mostly electronic; there are officially only 4 kinds of recognized orders. I don't mind if you post what is in the public domain, but you may be doing much more harm than good offering very much outdated material to your subscribers. I think it would be only fair to mention that in terms of today's markets, this material is ancient indeed. Certainly, the material posted is a far cry from the way I handle stops today.

    Thanks for your feedback. We all learn from history and your contribution to the investment world helps other investors.


  2. I entered your site through the report on oil which I got from Norman Hallett as one of his subscribers. I went onto the blog and found an article on stops. Looking at the pdf, I find certain pages are not there, while others are duplicated. Is the complete pdf not available to me because I am not a member?


    Have you tried listening to the audio while following along with the PDF. We have tried to sync the presentation along with the literature. So try to listen to the audio, if you feel that you are missing any parts of the PDF... feel free to contact me. Thanks!



  3. Hi Lindsay

    Thanks for posting Joe Ross' Seminar on Stops. And thanks for your kind attention in handling the renewals on my account. All of you folks at Market Club make us feel good about trading and learning to trade.

    Have a great day

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