Video Lesson: Developing a Premium Portfolio

Good Wednesday to everyone!I was in late last night putting the finishing touches

on my new video lesson series "Developing a Premium Portfolio",
so that you can have it for today!

In this video lesson series I will dive into three major topics
that will help you create a portfolio that you can be proud of,
and profitable in!

Part one covers Diversification within your portfolio. Diversity
is the one thing that ALL successful traders' portfolios have
in common. Developing a diverse and profitable portfolio is
not as hard as it seems!

Watch the free streaming video lesson here

Symbols covered: Bear Stearns (NYSE_BSC),
Ford Motor Company (NYSE_F), Soybean Oil (BO.H08),
Crude Oil (CL.Z07).

Next MONDAY your video lesson will cover
"Confidence in Symbols

P.S. Have some feedback?? Simply leave a comment!

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