OK, we got it right on the stock market, crude oil and inflation ... now what?

Dear Reader,

You may have missed my September 13th appearance on Bloomberg TV. If you did, you may want to watch this video and see what I was saying about stocks, crude oil ($10,000 later) and inflation.

So how did we get it right and Chairman Bernanke and the FED get it completely wrong?

By viewing this short Bloomberg TV interview, you will see first hand that we predicted problems with the US markets and the economy on major financial networks over 5 months ago. The market action on Friday was not a surprise to readers of this blog. Is there more to come?

Watch the video.

Original post.

I have said this before, we are not in buy and hold markets anymore. You need to be fluid and go with the flow. The old market adage is "Don't fight the tape".

Every success in the markets.

Adam Hewison