Many people thought our Q3 and Q4 results were a fluke ... when we gave them a sneak peek for '08 at our gold trading results they were stunned.
I mean here it is, the world is coming to an end, right? The sky is falling in, and Humpty Dumpty has fallen off the wall. So what else can possibly happen to the economy, the markets and life as we know it?
No one knows for sure, but that's not the question.
The question is, how can you keep your boat afloat when everyone else's seems to be sinking fast?
Well making money in a stormy economy doesn't just happen by chance or luck. To make money, you must be prepared, and with preparation comes a game plan. This game plan has to be able to win in any market conditions.
Now don't get me wrong, there's a risk every time you buy or sell a stock or futures contract. If you are willing to accept a certain amount of calculated risk, in return for double or triple digit returns, read on, as that's our area of expertise.
To better understand this, take a quick view of our results in '08 in my new 4 minute video here
Afterwards check out our Q3 results. No registration required. This video will show you step by step how we approach the markets.
Q3 results Video. Part 1
Q3 results Video. Part 2
In Q4 and early '08 we used the same market proven approach and game plan, that we used in Q3. Why change something that works? All the buy and sell signals were generated using MarketClub's "Trade Triangle" technology. The results for each market show just how well you can do when you follow MarketClub's easy to use, market driven "Trade Triangle" approach.
In times like these it pays to have a market proven, experience driven approach that gives you a professional traders edge over other investors.
Compare our Q4 results against Q3 (90 second video) and see how you can benefit from the proven MarketClub approach. Watch with our compliments. No registration required.
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Let's put MarketClub to work for you today.
Adam Hewison