250,000 reasons to read this post

Today is a very special day for our company as we are announcing to the investment and trading community that we now have trading alerts for all members. The great news is, this new alert service is available now at no additional cost to members.

We have put together a short video to show you how to get the most out of MarketClub ALERTS and how you can best use them in the marketplace. It doesn't matter if you trade stocks, futures, ETF, precious metals or foreign exchange, we have you covered with these alerts. Every few seconds, our proprietary Smart Scan technology jumps into action and scans over 250,000 symbols to find trading opportunities for you.

We think you'll find this service invaluable to your trading. Not only will it help you spot winning trades on the upside, but more importantly it will protect your portfolio when things start going the other way. Look upon MarketClub ALERTS as an upside opportunity finder as well as an insurance policy to protect your trading capital.

To the best of our knowledge, there is nothing quite like MarketClub ALERTS on the Web. We think you'll agree once you watch this free video.

Enjoy the video and please share your comments and give us your feedback on this exciting new addition to MarketClub.

All the best,

The MarketClub Team

7 thoughts on “250,000 reasons to read this post

  1. Thanks for the great new service! I'm just wondering- what are the default? prices that come up when you go to the screen to set the price range for example: price break above?



    The default value is the current market price. Glad to hear you are enjoying the alerts. If you have questions, or any other member reading this comment, don't hesitate to give us a call if you have any questions on how to use the new Alert feature.

    Best wishes,

    Lindsay Thompson
    Director of New Business Development
    INO.com & MarketClub.com

  2. This is truly an amazing addition to your many
    other trading tools. THANK YOU

  3. as a day trader I need alerts quicker than 10 minutes. Can I set it up to give me alerts quicker than ten minutes? or will you have it in the future? if so contact me.



    Your alert criteria will be scanned dynamically and will alert you as soon as a set market condition occurs. You will receive an alert even before you can see the occurrence on the charts. When you choose a time frame, you are not choosing how fast your alerts are scans, but more or less how frequently you are notified. Let me know if you have any other questions... but a time frame of 10 minutes will work just fine for you... you will just receive an email every 10 minute until you turn off the alert.


    Lindsay Thompson
    Director of New Business Development
    INO.com & MarketClub.com

  4. David, do you mind sharing your method of picking the winners and weeding out the losers? Thanks in advance.

  5. I don'?t know if I can handle anymore good news? out of the last 10 picks I've made using the market club tools. I'm up an average of 138% the best being 477%, with only one lose of 11%..and now your adding the alert tool..I can't top peters reply..Absolutely Brilliant!!! 911 targa hummmmm...

  6. Good day,
    we are from india & trade in index & f & o & cash in indian stock markets, are your services available in indian mkts,please clarify,Ty.



    We currently do not carry Indian quotes. I will gladly pass along your suggestion to carry these quotes to our technical team and they may include this addition in the future.

    Wishing you the best in your trading,

    Lindsay Thompson
    Director of New Business Development
    INO.com & MarketClub.com

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