94% Winners & Triple Digit Returns (Q4 Results-New Video)

A year and a half ago we decided to track the results of our "Trade Triangle" technology in six different markets. The markets we decided to trade were corn (CBOT_C), wheat (CBOT_W), soybeans (CBOT_ZS), crude oil (NYMEX_CL), gold (XAUUSDO) and finally the dollar index (NYBOT_DX). We picked these markets at random, not because we could see into the future, but because these markets historically have had prolonged and therefore profitable moves in the past. Most big markets have one or two moves every year. Our "Trade Triangle" technology allows you to catch these moves and stay on top of the market.

I have truly been surprised and amazed that we have had such big profits, especially in the last two quarters. When I helped co-create MarketClub, I knew we had something great... but even these results would astound anyone.

In Q3 of '08 we had a phenomenal return and one that I did not think we would see again. However, in Q4 of '08, not only did we exceed the Q3 results but we did it in different markets which is quite remarkable. This underscores our fundamental belief that investors/traders should be diversified into several different markets.

In Q4 of '08, the results we had in corn were significantly less them in Q3. Non-the less, they were positive. Our Q4 results in the wheat market were almost double that of our previous quarter's profits. Soybeans on the other hand proved to be very positive, but not as positive as Q3 which was our best quarter ever for that commodity. The star of the show, or I should say the quarter, was crude oil. Crude oil produced an astounding gain of $40,040 per contract in the quarter. This return was practically double our Q3 results and by far our best returns of any market in this quarter. You may want to watch our Q3 movie and see what we were saying about crude oil at that time.

Gold proved to be just that, golden, as the yellow metal produced another stellar return in the quarter. Lastly, the dollar index showed it's best returns in 6 quarters.

Q4 of '08 turned out to be a record quarter producing $78,142 in gains before commissions. This was our best quarter ever and quite frankly it was more than we had expected.

The return on capital for the last six quarters was 624%. The number of winning quarters (for all six markets) was 34 out of 36, that's a 94.44% winning streak. Losing quarters for the six commodities totaled to just 5.5%. (Special note: We are trading six markets and six quarters gives us a universe of 36 individual quarterly results to judge our results by.)

Watch new video here:

In the 6 quarters we have traded the six commodities listed above, we have never seen a losing quarter dollar wise or quarter wise (no pun intended).

Certainly there is no guarantee what Q1 of '09 will bring. Certainly the markets we are in have a tendency to move, therefore they should present opportunities to make good profits in the future.

Take a look at this short video that I have prepared to show you the results. I will go through some of the actual signals that we dynamically generated with  our "Trade Triangle" technology. The "Trade Triangles" are just one tool of our MarketClub service.

You may also want to look at our earlier Q3 video and check out our past signals. We use the same formula and same approach each quarter for the markets we are tracking.

Enjoy the videos. If you have any questions about our results, please give us a call at 1-800-538-7424. As many of you know, brokers love us because we are not brokers, we simply provide educational material to help traders improve their trading.

Every success in trading in 2009,

Adam Hewison
President, INO.com
Co-creator, MarketClub

10 thoughts on “94% Winners & Triple Digit Returns (Q4 Results-New Video)

  1. Thanks for the reply Adam. Is the futures alert a tool for beginners to use? Thanks again.


    All the tools in the MarketClub suite are very easy to use. There is practically zero learning curve. If you have any problems just shoot us an email or give my support staff a call. 800-538-7424.


  2. Adam, I am impressed with the returns on the futures you use in the video on the 4th quarter.Is the video aimed at seasoned future traders?I have never traded futures but it looks like shooting fish in a barrel- is it that easy? just follow the trade triangles? What monthly contract was being used; one that was far out or do you roll over each contract near expiration? Do you think members can start trading futures just based on triangles or should one take extensive training? i would like to hear your thoughts on these questions. Thank you in advance.

    Thanks for your feedback.

    While the returns have been stellar for the last two quarters, I would not expect that to be the norm. The key is to trade the lead month but never go into the actual lead month for delivery. I would always recommend rolling over into the next most liquid month.

    Are returns like this easy? Yes and no. If you ignore everything and just follow and believe in the Trade Triangles then it is easy. When you listen to all the talking heads and noise around the markets it makes it much harder.

    I recommend that you follow the signals (Trade Triagles) on paper and when they make sense to you, trade them. You will be amazed at how they work.



    Please expand on this thought.

  4. Since I am a web developer I run with debugging. I also cannot see the video.

    There appeats to be a javascript error "args is not defined"

    Thanks Gary, we are working on it.


  5. Can you explain your statement "Double margins were used to de-leverege risk"


    Thanks for your feedback. The various commodity exchanges set minimum margin requirements and the brokers can at their option require more than the minimum margin requirements. When we say double margins it refers to the exchange required margins.

    I hope this answers your question.

  6. Video doesn't work for me either (but most others do) All I get is this message:
    The Camtasia Studio video content presented here requires JavaScript to be enabled and the latest version of the Adobe Flash Player. If you are you using a browser with JavaScript disabled please enable it now. Otherwise, please update your version of the free Adobe Flash Player by downloading here.

    Both javascript and Adobe flash are working properly.
    PS The YouTube video plays ok.

  7. very impressive! do you have results to share on the etf markets and individual stocks?



    We are actually working on the results as we speak. Keep your eyes peeled as we will be presenting that information soon.


    Lindsay Thompson
    Director of New Business Development
    INO.com & MarketClub

  8. Hi Adam.....cant seem to get your Q4 video to play...I have Adobe Flash, etc., and others on your site will open...whats up? Thanks

    Hi Bill,

    I'm struggling to see why some visitors are having an issues with the video, while other are not having any problems. I'm not exactly sure what is going on, but I hope this will provide as a temporary solution.


    The MarketClub Team



  9. I am not able to watch the video even though I do have the free adobe flash player. I can watch all other video but not this one.

    Thanks for helping in resolving this matter.





    I'm not sure why you are unable to watch the video. However, I hope this will provide as a temporary solution. Please give us a ring if you are still having issues.


    The MarketClub Team



  10. I would appreciate seeing a video on how you handle a losing trade to cut your losses. Do you use stops? How do you set them?



    We protect our capital in a few ways. We use a filtering method with our Trade Triangles which you can learn about here: http://broadcast.ino.com/livesupport/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=32&nav=0,15. Also, we always suggest that you use Money Management Stops, however the strategy you decide to use will have to be based around the objectives of your individual trading plan. Please see this blog post on stops: http://club.ino.com/trading/2008/12/the-secret-to-trading-success-in-2009/


    The MarketClub Team


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