Trader's Blog Contest Winner For August

The winner of the August contest, where we asked "Do you think the recession is easing, or is there another downturn in sight?" is random comment number 399. We had 449 responses, but only 423 eligible comments.

After counting the responses, 27.2% said easing, 66.8% said there was a downturn in sight, and 6% dodged the question all together.

Congrats… Russell Wilson from the US


We will be contacting you shortly via email address you supplied to get your complimentary subscription to INO TV and MarketClub set-up. If you are Russell and have not hear from us within 24 hours, please give our support team a call.

Don't forget to enter September's Contest, where we ask, "Do you think a 2nd term for Bernanke is the right move for this country?" Thanks for participating... keep it up cause we love to hear from you.


The MarketClub Team

2 thoughts on “Trader's Blog Contest Winner For August

  1. Bernanke never saw the GFT coming but somehow he claims to be a depression solving expert. The HUGE third wave down is NOW underway which will unmask him ,the pollies and economists as market dalts. The stimulus packages are simply re-capitalizing the major banks at our (taxpayer) expense . DEFLATION RULES so play safe and go to cash . ONLY YOU CAN SAVE YOURSELF from the corruption of pure capitalism by the so called elite leaders. The quicker we have one vote internet representation the better.

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