Mastering MarketClub Webinar : Long-Term Trading Strategy

Thanks to all of our Trader’s Blog readers, last Friday’s “Introduction to MarketClub” Webinar turned out better than we ever expected! Despite some volume issues and a few other growing pains, we think it was a great success for our first time around.

We want to thank everyone who participated and also for the great feedback that we received during and after the presentation. Jeremy and I are looking forward to implementing a lot of your suggestions (such as incorporating a “live chat” element) and making future webinars as interesting and informative as possible.

This week’s webinar is titled, “Scanning & Using the ‘Trade Triangle’ Strategy for Long-Term Trades.” We would love to have you join us. Click here to register.

If you’re interested in receiving emails about future webinars, click here to join our “How To Use MarketClub Webinars” weekly email list.


Susan Jackson
Webinar Administrator & MarketClub

5 thoughts on “Mastering MarketClub Webinar : Long-Term Trading Strategy

  1. Hey Jeremy,
    I look forward for the recording(s) since I live other side of the globe (mid night....). where is it going to be published ?(link)

    1. Assaf,

      Keep your eyes on the blog. We will be posting the link to the recording here for sure.


      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

  2. Great, thanks. I am very interested in Friday's topic but won't be able to attend the live webinar. Looking forward to seeing it online.

    1. Sean,

      We will be recording Fridays webinar and reposting it for our users who couldn't attend the live version. The webinar from last week was not recorded as it was a "beta" test.

      Jeremy Lutz
      Customer Service & Technical Support & MarketClub

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