December Can Be A Tricky Month

Well here we are in the month of December and things can get pretty tricky this month. For this reason, I wanted to produce a video that I thought would be helpful to you during this time.

In my new video I show you the exact points that we’re looking at for a major trend change in the S&P 500. I also point out the exact number that will show an exit point, but not a major trend change, in this same index.

As always our videos are free to watch and there is no need to register and we look forward to your comments.

Adam Hewison

President, Co-creator, MarketClub

22 thoughts on “December Can Be A Tricky Month

  1. Shawn,

    The markets beginning to look heavy to me. That said we have not had a sell signal using our Trade Triangle technology.

    I would watch this market rather closely as it is caught between a tug of war between the bulls and the bears. Eventually it will make its intentions known.


  2. Adam, With the recent positive jobs report Friday. What effect do you think it will have on the market this month and moving forward, MACD suggests a rollover in the S&P but could this ynexpected positive news cause a new upswing through the month of Dec. What do you expect? Appreciate your feedback. Thanks!

  3. Amazing graph on gold Adam. Thank you for that video.
    I am about to move into 10 green monster boxes of silver american eagles. I am told to get in now as silver is 60/1 ratio lowest in history and silver deemed cheap in todays standards. What do you believe is the upside potential with silver?

    Regards, Bobby B

    1. Bobby,

      Silver is very trick to trade. If gold continues to move higher and expect it will then it is likely to drag silver along for the ride. However, when gold turns down silver is likely to drop a lot faster.

      I am not comfortable recommending anything other than what I know.

      All the best to you.

  4. What about physical gold bullion. Im holding roughly 380 ounces of the gold american eagles. I purchased back in july 2001 at $230 each.I'm told to move out now but others tell me to sit tight for the $2600 mark. What do you think Adam?

  5. Thank you again Adam........but......

    I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "roll over" to a new contract.

    How exactly do I roll over to a current contract from a previous one?

    Thanks again.


    1. Hugo,

      Here is what I mean, sell your December contracts and buy February contracts that is what is called a roll over. You would simply enter the order to buy one February gold sell one December gold at the market or at a given spread.


  6. Hugo,

    Please refer to my earlier reply. I do not recommend staying in the December contract. If you want to stay long gold roll over to February.


  7. Ok, thank you Adam.....

    But since I'm already there "for the time being only"; How long can I stay in this Dec. contract? when do I HAVE TO be out?

    Please reply.

    Thanks again,


  8. Hugo,

    You should not be trading the spot month which is December right now. This is best left to the professionals. I would recommend rolling out all of December and rolling into the February contract.

    All the best to you,

  9. Hi eveyone....

    Can we still trade the December Gold contract?

    if we can; until when? or do we need to sell our current contracts in that Month?

    Please someone answer soon. I've posted this message several times already with no answer.

    Thank you.


  10. Hi Anybody.....

    I posted a messegage TWICE yesterday asking the same question:

    Can we still trade the Dec. Gold contract? I'm running two contracts on this month, but I'm not sure if one can still trade on it since the Feb. contract is now active.

    So, would anyone please calm my concern and tell me if we can still trade the DECEMBER Gold contract, and if we can; until when?

    Thank you all.


  11. On Dec 1, the Dow made a new 14 month high, but the SP500 didn't. This seems to suggest this advance is getting narrower and narrower (30 stocks vs 500)...The weekly MACD seems to be losing momentum as well.

    I would also like to hear why Adam thinks 991 and 1070 are the major levels to watch. I would look at failure to breach 1120 or 1230 (the 50% and 61.8% fibonacci levels if you set the Oct 07 to Mar 09 levels as the high and low) plus weekly MACD crossing down as a bearish sign to go short.

    1. PT,

      The levels I mentioned are the 991 level for the S&P 500 is a major trend change based on our technical work. This will change our longer-term trade triangles to a negative mode.

      The higher number of 1070 will be an early warning sign to exit the S&P 500.

      I agree with you in the fact that the advances are getting narrower and narrower and the fact that we're getting close to the major Fibonacci retracement levels.

      All the best,

  12. hi Adam

    Is there any chance of a Santa rally in Dec, and is there any chance
    agriculture will go higher from here?

    1. Rob,

      I'm not sure what you're referring to is it perhaps the S&P 500 for a Santa rally?

      My gut feeling is telling me that the upward momentum for the S&P is coming slowly to an end. Having said that we gave specific numbers where a major trend change would occur in this index and that is 991.

      On the ags the major trend in corn remains positive.

      All the best,


  13. Adam, thanks for your update. I unfortunately am on the sidelines and looking to get in LONG at some entry point that makes sense. I have two questions. Please define what you mean by major reversal at 991. Also, the market is rising on the Dubai fears being put to rest, is there a entry point at a higher level you would recommend if the S&P breaks through a specific resistance level. Appreciate your feedback. I'm learning to listen better.

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