New Education Series - Trend TV

As a visitor of the Trader's Blog, we are always looking for ways to help you learn. We are proud to announce a limited time video series, Trend TV. There is no cost to be a part of this education program and we invited anyone and everyone to take part.

Currently Playing:

Video 1 - Basic Indicators to Analyze Markets

Video 2 - Using Predicted High & Predicted Lows to Trade Intraday

Video 3- Strategy Trading Using Next Day Predictive Highs & Lows

Video 4 - Using "Differences" to Spot Shifts in Momentum

Watch these four limited time only videos from Trend TV. Please comment back to discuss or share the things you've learn from this complimentary video series.

5 thoughts on “New Education Series - Trend TV

  1. Ron,

    Most futures markets have limits on how far they can move in any one day. They also have limits on how far they can in a given series of days. Most of these limits were put in place after the crash of 1987. There have been refinements since then but generally speaking futures markets have a limit to how much they can move. Unlike a stock that can move either up or down as much as they want futures markets have defined limits.

    I hope this helps.

    All the best,

  2. I am a club member and watched the video. It talked about defining trading limits for future days trading. How do I get that information daily? Do I have to subscribe to something or is it part of Club?


  3. Why do you need my full postal address and telephone number? Do you intend to sell them to marketers? My name, e-mail address and country of residence should be sufficient. After all, we're not planning to become in-laws are we?
    Have a great day!

  4. I tried to sign in your free radio, but it always give me a bad address answer. Please fix this problem!

    1. Guoying,

      I look at your email in the backend and there shouldn't be a problem. When I get into the office on Monday morning, 9 AM (EST) I will look into this with our customer service team.


      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

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