This past weekend the Mid-Atlantic region where MarketClub is based was on the receiving end of a record breaking snowfall. So several of our staff decided to have some fun in the snow. Watch the video and see who you know at MarketClub. Happy Holidays.
Record snowfall at MarketClub ... so what did we do? We had a snowball fight. (watch the video)
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Merry Christmas to market club team and to all members ,from Egypt -we dont have snow here its only sandballs - Happy Days to you all
I miss my Toronto Snowing, I am in Bangalore, India, HOT, HOT weather.. 40 degree centigrade.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all of you.
BTW, Jermey (spelling), make some money for me next year, ok?
PS: Adam, why don't you include the Indian market into your system? You will have flood of customers.
LOL... have a great Christmas Season and fun playing in the snow!
LOL... fun. Have a great Christmas season!
Send some of that snow down here to Florida. I am living in an oven.
Looks great, nice to see a company enjoying themselfs it's refreshing to see not just a job but a career. No snow how ever in Sarasota Florida, happy holiday's
Great vidio. Hope you had fun pelting each other with snowballs. Now do something about the four feet of snow in my yard..Jr from Steamboat Springs. Happy Holidays to All
Very Cool, hope all you guys and gals have a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and/or a Happy Chanuka. (It's 65 degrees here in Texas)
Great video, thanks alot. I'm in Virginia and also had a similar event.
Thanks again!!!
So that's what you "guys" do to improve your trading?!