Saturday Success Story - Darran, Australia

At MarketClub, our mission is to help you become a better trader. Our passion is creating superior trading tools to help you achieve your goals—no matter which way the markets move—we promise objective and unbiased recommendations not available from brokers.

Here's great news from a member...

"I am amazed at the confidence that your service has provided for me and the Trade Triangles have given me. It has solved my biggest question, “Which way is this market going?” I’m brave enough to endorse this service as true and correct along with a personal trading plan." ~ Darran G., Australia

To send your own success story, please email


. We wish all of our members the best and we look forward to hearing your success story.

10 thoughts on “Saturday Success Story - Darran, Australia

  1. I trade the dow,dax,cac,ftse & alsi(all futures) and is interested in how the trade triangle or adams trade triangle works?

    Very informative site, thank you.



    1. Hi Jaco,
      I am so glad that you find the site useful for your trading. When trading futures, weekly “Triangles” determine trend and possible entry points. Daily “Triangles” determine timing: exits, entries and re-entries.

      The last “Triangle” issued on the weekly chart should always be used to identify the overall trend. You can also use the weekly “Triangle” as a potential entry point if you can get into the market soon after the signal, then you are to look at the daily “Triangles” for possible exit and re-entry points, or entry points if your weekly is in a steady trend.

      Always remember to trade with the trend. Make sure your weekly and daily “Triangles” correspond in direction.

      I hope this helps. Please feel free to contact me directly for any other questions that you may have.

      Michelle Boswell
      Customer Support
      MarketClub and
      1-800-538-7424 ext 128
      410-867-2100 ext 128

  2. Hi Darran
    I am a fellow Australian and trade the ASX (Aust Stock Exchange)
    Yes I agree, Adams Trade Triangles are an uncomplicated, yet extremely effective trading system is also a great educational site, especially Adams vids.
    Darran, do you use Triangles to trade the ASX ?
    I only see ino data feeds for the US markets
    Ino (Lindsay), do you offer any ASX data feeds ?
    Cheers and Happy New Year
    Jeff B Australia

    1. Hi Jeff,

      As of this moment we do not offer the ASX... however I know that Adam made a pit stop in Australia to visit the exchange while he was visiting his daughter in New Zealand. So, he may have gotten the ball rolling on the addition of the ASX. We have a lot of quote changes coming in the near future, so keep checking back and let me know if you need anything.

      All the best,

      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

  3. It takes some courage and discipline to put these trade triagles into practice. Congrats

    I keep looking on this site and watching my email alerts for follow ups regarding Gold, Oil, and the S&P. If I remember correctly, we have been expecting the S&P to roll over for over six months now...and have been wrong for that whole time. I guess eventually we will see a meaningful correction. Until then, I guess we go with the flow.


  4. I just regitered for the 30 day trial membership. Is there a guide on how to use the system ...with definitions etc and how to use the various categories? I have taken a short tour and the audio is great but I am afraid this might take forever to learn how to be proficient at this? I am willing to move over to your system from the one I have but I do not have too much time to learn another tool. For example, I get up at night and I want to find a stock or ETF to trade the following day? Or I want to find a god trade for the week. I know how to manage trades very well ...I think. I just completed a good course on how to do this when this happen if one does not wish to exit (trade gone bad for example). So I have the tools to manage the trade. How do I find the trade? Caould some one walk me through the steps of this system? Or is there a plce I can go find that? Kinda long but I want to know enough to make a good decision in 30 days. I like the price now I need to like/understand the system. You have my email and my phone number *PHONE NUMBER REMOVED FOR PRIVACY*


    Rudy Nwana

    1. Hey Rudy,

      I'm happy to hear that you've started your risk-free trial. First off, you can always give our customer service team a call Monday through Friday (9AM - 5PM EST) at 1.800.538.7424. They will gladly walk you through any particular questions, however we also have a help section with graphics and verbiage about when and how to use various tools in MarketClub.

      Take a look and if you have any questions or would like to consult our support team, call the number above or shoot them an email at



      Thanks so much and I assure you that the MarketClub team is very willing to help you figure out the best way to use the service in conjunction with your current trading plan.

      Have a great Sunday,

      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

    1. Doctor Stock,

      We have only been lightly advertising the last two years. Our membership mostly increases through referrals and word of mouth, but of course we want to share MarketClub with the entire trading world, it's just a matter of timing.

      Hope you are having a great weekend,

      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

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