At MarketClub, our mission is to help you become a better trader. Our passion is creating superior trading tools to help you achieve your goals—no matter which way the markets move—we promise objective and unbiased recommendations not available from brokers.
Here's great news from a member...
"The main reason I joined MarketClub was for the Trade Triangles, but now that I have been a member for close to a year, I have found that the type and style of your charts along with the tools from trend lines to Fibonacci have been so helpful in my trading. Having traded the markets for 28 years, there is now seldom a day goes by that I do not access my customized portfolio on MarketClub." ~ Edward L., Oregon
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. We wish all of our members the best and we look forward to hearing your success story.
Specifically interested in commodities but enjoy reading and learning about stocks. I like hearing from average at home investors and sharing information.
cbai = new kid on the block-this a blood bank and is cheap=does anyone have any ideas ja
I am trying to learn to use credit spreads on options, not trade them yet. Looking at CLF, there is about $350-370 difference between an IOM & nearby OOM trade of puts & of calls. If you expect the stock to stay steady or decline, how would you trade it?
I am interested in the views of anyone who trades commmodities, that you can eat!!! we can live without precious things, but food is at the top of the chain...
Hi John,
You may be interested in our upcoming MarketClub Member Strategies webinars. Our first one is on April 30th featuring a MarketClub member who only trades commodities (sugar, coffee, etc.).
Visit the link below for more information, or to register:
MarketClub's Member Strategies - Loic (Live on 04-30-10 - Click here to register!)
Susan Jackson
Director of MarketClub Education & MarketClub
I'm primarily interested in making select stock purchases in the range of $10 - $25/share for buy and sell situations for profits (daily or...) but not long term as I'm retired and want to control my losses and focus on profits for cash. What's the best situation to do this...will the MarketClub track stocks that close and tight for me?