20 thoughts on “Afternoon Market Update (Monday 4/4/11 - Video)

  1. Hi Adam,

    I'd like to second Nathan's comments about the Trade Triangles. Whilst I always get the daily summary e-mailed to me of my portfolio it would be REALLY useful to get an e-mail if a NEW weekly trade triangle is triggered on stocks in my portfolio. Currently I have to check them all each day!


    1. Jason,

      It is one of the ideas we have on the project board for MarketClub members.

      Thanks for your feedback.


  2. Adam……Where do you see the SILVER market?
    Is there any possibility of a PULLBACK? in the near future?
    The expert analysts seem to think so; maybe during this month, or the near future?

    What do you think? any pullbacks for silver?
    How high do you see it go before there is a pullback?



    1. HUGO,

      Good question. No one knows for sure how high silver can go. It will become more volatile. You might want to take a look a the late metals update I posted tonight on the blog.


  3. I have been trying to view your videos but all I get is a blank screen. (They used to work fine). I'm on a Mac. Please advise. Thanks.

  4. Adam, great job !! Thank you. I have another request if its possible to induce this feature, it could make my life and other's easy.

    Under 'Smart Scan', under 'Trade Triangles', is it possible to include 'Portfolio' as a place to search along with 'Equity, Foreign Exchange, Future, Index and Mutual Fund'? Or, when I 'Chart Analyze' my entire portfolio, is it also possible to symbolize if there is a new 'Trade Triangle' for that day? That way, instead of going through hundreds of stocks in my portfolio to find a trade triangle, I can get to know which of those produced a trade triangle for today from one screen. I know I can create an alert but, that's causing too many emails even if I create it for once a day. Any support in this regard is highly appreciated.

    1. Nathan,
      Thank you for your feedback. I have passed along your thoughtful comments to our IT department.

      All the best,

  5. I really appreciate your weekend & daily updates Adam.

    My Elliott Wave advisor tells me the SPX 1332 level is critical because it is double the 666 (the March 2009 low).

    Also, your ''Donchian/Williams%R/3-Day-TT Method'' has really improved my Monthly/Weekly TT effectiveness.

    Specifically, it shows me when to exit at the Top, and then wait for a re-entry signal at a lower price,
    or to stay on the sidelines if a Weekly-TT confirmation shows a possible Reversal in the Trend.

    In my book, this combination is unbeatable.

  6. Adam......Where do you see the SILVER market?
    Is there any possibility of a PULLBACK? in the near future?
    The expert analysts seem to think so; maybe during this month, or the near future?

    What do you think? any pullbacks for silver?
    How high do you see it go before there is a pullback?



  7. Excellent video.

    On the Nasdaq and SP500, market is clearly overbought, so pulling back in a little is no surprise. Emerging market is taking the lead (EEM is making new highs). Small cap, Mid cap are taking the lead as well making new highs. Sector rotation is going on with Tech especially SOX taking a back seat. The current leaders are from Oil, Construction and Mining, Medicals. These are not the sign of super strong bull market, the last leg of this bull run?

    I think Nasdaq will make new highs ...

  8. Sirs:

    Your printed documents are unreadable due to the small size of the print.

  9. This is exactly what I was looking for in the market club. Someone who can teach me what is going on. Thanks Adam.

  10. Hi Adam,
    I can see the russel 2000 is diverging for the most part from the other 3 major indices, espcecially the Nasdaq which seems in trouble. So what is your experience on this, is the russel coming down or the other up?

  11. So, Adam. Are you entering on the Monthly Triangle regardless of what the Trend Score is? Or are you requiring the Weekly Triangle to be green and then entering when the Monthly Triangle turns green? Because it seems MC has been touting not to get long if the Trend Score is less than +75. If the Weekly is not green, I don't see how the Trend Score can be +75 or higher. Am I missing something here?

    Hey, really like the weekly updates and now the daily updates. It's good to hear what you're take is on the different markets. Thanks for all the hard work.

    1. Mike,

      Here are the Trade Triangle rules that work really well.

      How "Trade Triangles" work in stocks.
      The major "Trade Triangle" to watch in trading stocks is the monthly "Trade Triangle" as this triangle determines the trend. We use the weekly "Trade Triangles" for timing purposes. Let me give you an example, if the last monthly "Trade Triangle" is green this indicates that the major trend is up for that stock. You would then use the initial monthly "Trade Triangle" as an entry point and use the weekly red "Trade Triangle" as a stop out point. You would only reenter a long position if and when a green "Trade Triangle" kicked in. You would then use a weekly red "Trade Triangle" as a stop out point. Providing that a monthly green "Trade Triangle" is in place the trend is positive for the stock. The reverse is true if a red monthly "Trade Triangle" shows that the trend is down. You would then use the weekly "Trade Triangle" for entering and exiting the market.

      How "Trade Triangles" work in ETFs (PerFect "R" Portfolio)
      The major "Trade Triangle" to watch in trading the 4 ETFs in MarketClub's Perfect "R" Portfolio is the monthly "Trade Triangle" as this triangle determines the trend and your position. You would use the monthly GREEN "Trade Triangle" as an entry point and use the monthly RED "Trade Triangle" as an exit point. You would only reenter a long position if and when a GREEN monthly "Trade Triangle" kicked in. This portfolio is suitable for 401K and IRA retirement accounts therefore it is not allowed to short ETFs.

      How "Trade Triangles" work in ETFs (Global Strategy Portfolio)
      The major "Trade Triangle" to watch in trading this portfolio is the monthly "Trade Triangle" as this triangle determines the trend and initial positions. We use the weekly "Trade Triangles" for timing purposes. Let me give you an example, if the last monthly "Trade Triangle" is GREEN this indicates that the major trend is up for that ETF. You would then use the initial GREEN monthly "Trade Triangle" as an entry point and use the weekly RED "Trade Triangle" as an exit point. You would only reenter a long position if and when a GREEN weekly "Trade Triangle" kicked in. You would then use a weekly RED "Trade Triangle" as an exit point. Providing that a monthly GREEN "Trade Triangle" is in place the trend is positive for the ETF. The reverse is true if a RED monthly "Trade Triangle" shows that the trend is down. You would then use the weekly RED "Trade Triangle" for entering short positions and the GREEN weekly Trade Triangle exiting the market.

      How to use trade triangles in futures and Forex.
      In the futures and Forex markets we use the weekly "Trade Triangles" for trend and the daily "Trade Triangles" for timing. Let me give you an example of how that works. If a green weekly "Trade Triangle" is in place it indicates that the trend is positive for that market. Initial entry point would be on the weekly green "Trade Triangle" and then you would use a red daily "Trade Triangle" as a stop. For example if the trend was up on the weekly you would exit a position on a red daily triangle. This is not to go short but only to exit the position and wait for the trend to reestablish itself on the upside. In the event the trend that does not reestablish itself and reverses with a weekly red "Trade Triangle" you would go short on the weekly "Trade Triangle" and use the daily "Trade Triangle"for money management and reentry points.

      How to use trade triangles in Gold.
      In the gold market we use the weekly "Trade Triangles" for trend and the daily "Trade Triangles" for timing. Let me give you an example of how that works. If a green weekly "Trade Triangle" is in place it indicates that the trend is positive for that market. Initial entry point would be on the weekly green "Trade Triangle" and then you would use a red daily "Trade Triangle" as a stop. For example if the trend was up on the weekly you would exit a position on a red daily triangle. This is not to go short but only to exit the position and wait for the trend to reestablish itself on the upside. In the event the trend that does not reestablish itself and reverses with a weekly red "Trade Triangle" you would go short on the weekly "Trade Triangle" and use the daily "Trade Triangle"for money management and reentry points.

      All the best,

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