We Nailed Knight Capital

By now you have probably heard of the horrendous screwup at Knight Capital. It seems that in the space of 15 minutes, Knight Capital lost $440 million with a software snafu. This is four times their earnings last year. They are now exploring their business options, which include seeking equity investments or selling the company outright.

What you probably didn't know is this:

Using no more knowledge than our Trade Triangle Technology, we had a major exit or short signal back on December 19th of 2011 for Knight Capital. This was followed up with several intermediate-term short signals, the latest of which came on June 13th at $12.11.

Every success using MarketClub's Trade Triangle Technology.


3 thoughts on “We Nailed Knight Capital

  1. Agreed with Alan. You did not post "short Knight Capital" as headline article, therefore you did not "nail" it.

    You can't enter position in every single stock that the trade triangles produced, so did anyone using the triangles foresaw the crash and actually shorted it?

  2. This is silly--If the problem was a software screw-up, your sell signals knew nothing about it, and you shouldn't take credit for prescience.

    1. I agree. After the monthly trade triangle there was a 7 month period where the price was higher and then a drop of only about $1. I don't call that a confirmation that the trade triangle technology worked and it sure as heck didn't predict the software glitch.

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