We want to ask our readers and members about their thoughts on the Presidential debate last night.

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We want to ask our readers and members about their thoughts on the Presidential debate last night.
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Every Success,
The MarketClub Team
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Odummer's time I hope is coming to an end. Get everyone you know to vote. And that is NOV 7TH for all you Libtards.
Congrats to all the Romney supporters! He only won because he denied all his policies saying "I'm not that guy."
Unfortunately, we don't know which guy he is.
Bruce, sorry but Obama's jokes are getting old.
No, Obama is the one with the facts. Romney is the one with the Etcher sketch. The joke is that conservatives support someone they don't even like just to get Obama out of office. That is what happens when u have no principles and no real solutions.
Why would anyone elect a flag burning, illegal alien, Muslim to be president of the USA ?
Not sure. Ask me again if it ever becomes likely.
Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood was a speaker at Ku Klux Klan rallies on eugenics and how to exterminate the black community. She wrote about it on pages 366 & 367 of her 1938 autobiography. She is honored to this day on the Planned Parenthood website.
Obama is a constant supporter of Planned Parenthood and a frequent speaker at the PP dinners and rallies. "His" government handed Planned Parenthood $487 MILLION!!! in the last reporting period. Hmm...Would that bail out some peasants?
These PP bastards butcher on the order of 250,000 unborn children every year. Bastards? The term avoids naming thier father in whose service they are together with butcher Obama.
So if you like baby killing, homosexuality, the Alinsky demonic connection (look it up) lies piled upon lies, then by all means vote for this monster.
Please don't be a silly billy, John. You're embarrassing us and embarrassing yourself.
Dear Guest,
Argumentum ad hominem?
Don't answer the charges, merely call the accuser names?
What argument? It's hard to argue with morons who make retarded arguments without an real facts to support them.
so far its a no-brainer, and there lies the key to the nov6th election. if obama wins ,the dumbing down of america is in full bloom. A romney win, means enough people with an unbiased outlook ,took the time to put down their cell phones- texting etc . allowing education towards the facts, not the same old follow me ill take care of you through his social idealogys, that don't work any were in the world ..wake up america. think of it this way. OBAMA could have been the worlds greatest vacuum cleaner salesman . with all that flap how could you say no. especially with all the freebys that came along with the sale.
Conservatives want education? So, are going to give out degrees for studying the bible now? Liberals are far more intelligent than conservatives. This is a fact that has been proven in many studies. Only retarded morons would vote for Romney.
Just read below and remember the Accomplishments or I should say the lack of accomplishments, and I think the choice should be clear who to vote for, let this speak for its self: Obama shold no way be relected!!!
> Quit trashing President Obama's accomplishments. He has done more than
any other President before him. He has an impressive list of
> First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then
deny he was a foreigner.
> First President to have a social security number from a state he has
never lived in.
> First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the
United States
> First President to violate the War Powers Act. .
> First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally
obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico .
> First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a
third party.
> First President to spend a trillion dollars on 'shovel-ready' jobs when
there was no such thing as 'shovel-ready' jobs.
> First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of
companies to his union supporters.
> First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through
executive fiat.
> First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the
deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S. , including those
with criminal convictions.
> First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his
political appointees.
> First President to tell a CEO of a major corporation (Chrysler) to resign.
> First President to terminate America 's ability to put a man in space.
> First President to cancel the National Day of Prayer and to say that
America is no longer a Christian nation.
> First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.
> First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional
and refuse to enforce it.
> First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly
spoke-out on the reasons for their rate increases.
> First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which state it
is allowed to locate a factory.
> First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to
protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).
> First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been
properly issued years ago.
> First President to actively try to bankrupt an American industry (coal).
> First President to fire an inspector general of Ameri-Corps for
catching one of his friends in a corruption case.
> First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his
> First President to surround himself with radical left wing anarchists.
> First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half
years in office, 102 to date.
> First President to hide his medical, educational and travel records.
> First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.
> First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and
Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends paid for by the
> First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his
> First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year
at taxpayer expense.
> First President to repeat the Holy Quran & tell us the early morning
call of the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound
on earth.
> First President to tell the military men and women that they should pay
for their own private insurance because they volunteered to go to
war and knew the consequences.
> Then he was the First President to tell the members of the military
that THEY were UNPATRIOTIC for balking at the last suggestion.
> First President to side with a foreign nation over one of the American
50 states (Mexico Vs Arizona)
You forgot the first President to spend 1.4 Billion on he and his family at taxpayer expense.
Sorry, you will never convince the 'crips' who would vote for Hitler if he were democrat. These 'citizens' are so immersed in 'basic assumptions dependency' (ala Bion) that their unconscious assumption is that their 'leader' is omnipotent and will meet all their needs. Unfortunately, Obama's campaign guys are crafty enough to cultivate these non-thinking zombies (except the labor unions with unfunded pensions, of course) into a national voting block.
This is actually a revolution by administrative fiat.
U certainly have along list of baseless lies. I certainly hope that when Obama wins in November u kill yourself and do the whole world a favor. Retar#ed scum like u should be shot.
touched a nerve
No POOR man ever gave me a job. As far the amount of detail from Romney I think we heard enough to know which way he intends to go. If we do not motivate the ones looking for a hand out instead of a hand up then there is no hope for that portion of the 47 percent. Paying fair share means those who pay noting should join the group that do pay even if only a dollar. You cannot pull up a nation by tearing down the ones that have worked to succeed. Some poor are not able to help themselves and we must take care of them. Some are out of work but willing to work and cannot find jobs. Those that are elected are put there to make sure Gov does not get in the way of private enterprise making jobs available. If you agree to work for a certain wage then you should hold up your end of the bargain. If you do not like that amount show the employer how you can do more to help the company bring in more revenue and I am sure you will be recognized and rewarded. WAKE UP AMERICA you have to realize you are not owed a living.
Remember that saying: "The emperor has no clothes on." That's what came to my mind as I atched the debate.
VODEMOUT in Nov R&R 2012 Ryan 2020 Bring USA Back. Please.
And now the hard truth: None of it matters, the debt train keeps rolling us right down the tracks to oblivion. Far too late to "save" it, too little too late.
Obama has spent almost 4 years complaining about the mess he inherited from Bush. Nothing was his fault.
Now imagine the much bigger mess he will "inherit" if he gets second term.
Mit sure packed his head with answers to most of the questions asked. Too bad, because he couldn't remember the answer to "what are the specifics about your plans?'
What kind of fool would divulge the "specifics" of his plans for the thugs of the current administration to disparage and/or steal? Based on the advice of Nancy Pelosi, let the Dems find out the specifics after the new administration is in office!
Copy That!
Mit sure had packed is head with lots of answers to most of the situations he was asked about. Too bad,. it was so packed that he couldn't remember the answers to "what are the specifics of your plan?
Sounds like an Obama Koolaid drinker! The format of the debate simply didn't allow for minute specifics of Mitt's plans to be delineated. Ronald Reagan didn't lay his plans in detail during his debates, either. Romney did, however, provide a lot more detail than Obama did; the prez's plan is "more of the same: Hope and Change revisited."
I'm sure Romney would run a good business, but the government is not a business. He has to deal w/ a huge roadblock call Congress. If he becomes president and can win the dems over maybe he can do something if not I don't see how he is going to do much.
I don't think BO will do so well without his teleprompter. He is boxed in and has to be careful which of his campaign contributors he offends. In other words he has to memorize his script. He has told so many half truths it's hard to remeber them all. Mitts VP, Paul Ryan who is in the Congressional Budget Office knows his stuff. No budget approved for last three years. Can't expect to cover the solution in such a brief period of time allotted. Most people wouldn't understand anyway and are afraid of what they don't understand. Mitt plans to dump Bernanke and end the Fed fiasco. Wall Street knows they better get it together or there will be hell to pay. I don't know about BO. I don't think he wants to be remembered as the President who ruined ths contry financially along with all the unknows that go with it. What do you think?
I think he is a mole planted by Al Queda
I agree with Bill; the BANKERS run this country. And whoever gets the helm will be their puppet in any case. And while I respect Romney's business chops, he wouldn't be able to do it any differently than Obama and previous Presidents have IMHO. I'm starting to lean in his direction, however, because I just don't think we can have another four years of increasing debt and devaluation of the dollar. But Romney won't fix it in four years in any case.
His lack of details in HOW he's going to fix our economy is the part that gives it away though...whoever is at the helm seems to make it up as they go along anyway, blaming the last President for the issues we face, and not having the leadership to make the hard decisions. Maybe Romney WOULD have the balls, but I would sure like to hear some specifics from him. His recent promise of creating 12 million jobs if he is elected is a good example. Doing/making what?
So I'm still undecided at this point. Waiting to see what happens in the next debate, because I think it will be the critical one. If Obama comes across as weak as he did in this first one, it will be Romney. If he comes across strong, it will be a close race.
It was very refreshing to finally hear a Republican who wasn't afraid to tell the truth and expose Obama and the Democrats for the fraud that they are. When Obama criticized Romney for not giving enough details about his health plan, Romney could have mentioned how Obamacare was passed "We have to pass the bill so we can find out what's in it."
Recently a brain surgeon called the Mark Levin show and said that his group of surgeons had a meeting with the govenment and was told that they needed permission to do any procedure on anyone 70 years or older. The brain surgeon stated that if someone came in late at night on a weekend he didn't believe they would be able to contact anyone for permission. Guess what will happen to the 70 or older people then. The unelected committee to approve or disapprove procedures is facutal, among many other things in the 2700 pages of Obamacare, some of which don't have anything to do with healthcare. I prefer the Libertarian party but anyone would be better than Barak Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Obama lost big in last nights debate because he went up against a real businessman that understands the details of business and economics much better than he does. I live near Bakersfield, CA and the foodbanks have reported the number destitute people in need of food has increased sharply in the past few years. They need more food than ever. According to Obama and the democrats the recession is over. Are we better off than we were four years ago? HELL NO!
The 1st 30 minutes, our President put his economic ignorance on display for all (with a working brain) to see.
And I thought Marco Rubio summed up Obama's position. He seems to believe that the problems with education, massive debt, taxes, unemployment all can be solved with MORE GOVERNMENT! It's sad and pathetic that so many people buy into class warfare rhetoric and still believe that businesses are evil and government is on their side.
Romney can get us back on track and end this nightmare of watching our country fall apart.
Every four years most people seem to swallow all the lies handed out by both the Democrats and the Republicans. It does not seem that hard to figure out that, no matter which of those parties is in the presidential suite, who is in control of the senate, the house or who was in control when the majority of the supreme court was put in place we still get the same BS. I have been voting Libertarian for many years now. They offer what we need to fix the country, actually honor the Constitution and are not bought off by the uber corporations. The Republicans have worked hard to keep the Libertarians off the ballots. That should tell you something! In spite of this Libertarians are on the ballot in 48 states and DC and are still working on the other 2 states. Still, we will probably end up stuck with one of the 2 special interest parties. I think that's because we have been brainwashed into believing that there are only 2 parties in the US. And among those who realize that there is a real choice many are convinced that, if they vote for who they want to vote for they are wasting their vote. I say, go ahead... waste your vote. It's better that going with the parties who don't even pretend to represent us real people unless an election is imminent.
In any job search, the endorsements really weigh heavy Therefore Pres Vladimir Putin "Obama is an honest man who really wants to change much for the better"
Hugo Chavez;"I hope this doesn't harm Obama, but if I was from the U.S> I'ed vote for him"
United Arib Emirites is bankrolling a film"Promissed land" to show the evils of fracking.
Therefore the threat to these people in their control the world petro market is jeprodized by Romney.
The US investment and ;expertise in natural gas recovery costs $3 per unit...Russia c;an only do it for $10.
So I will want to hire Romney!
I'm glad to see Obama get what is coming to him. He has failed on many levels.
1, His man at the Treasury ,Tim Geithner, on gave 1.4 billion to homeowers about to loose their homes but gave 4.7 Trillion, yeah that is the "T" word, to the bankers like Greorge Soros who bought Obama more than a decade ago. I am not making this up; it's in the book "Bailout" by Neil Barofsky now available on Amazon. Obama is the best president foreign money can buy and they hold his soul in their vast coffers.
2. He has increased the debt over six trillion dollars.
3. He forced his people to lie about the actual terrorism that killed Ambassador Stevens, claiming "mob action."
4. He has blocked the pipeline from the greatest oil strike in as much as fifty years so that the oil can't get to the refineries in Texas.
5. When President Celaya of Honduras want to become a "presdent for life" or in simple terms, "a dictator," the people took him in his pajamas and took him out of the counrty, Obama called it a" Coup" and put sanctions on the country. The Houduran people appointed an temporary president and conducted elections for a new president. They did not want a left-wing dictator like Chavez. Obama would probably have liked that
6. Obama insulted me and every other person who has built a business by telling me that "I didn't build that."
I don't think Obama came across all that well; on the other hand to blame the banks need to be bailed out on him is ridiculous; the Republicans under Bush slashed all the regulations and allowed Wall St to do anything they wanted - mortgages to people with no jobs, etc. Wall St wants Republicans back so they can do it all over again.
The pipeline Obama blocked was to bring oil from Canada - I just love the way you Americans regard our oil (yes I'm a Canadian) as yours; energy independence, my a--; you are still dependent on foreign oil - it just comes from a different country now.
Bush and company didn't "slash all the regulations", my fellow American. You can thank the Dems for insisting that we're all equal and deserving of home ownership by pressuring the banks in their underwriting and then fortifying Fannie and Freddie to buy the majority of the crappy paper that resulted from that massive policy error. Our Fed was complicit in all this. Add to that the rating agency incompetence and you have a financial meltdown. You should do more reading from reliable sources instead of blasting away where you're illiterate (and a consummate partisan).
OBAMA may have lost the first debate, but he now has HUGO CHAVEZ on his side!!!!!!
I am amazed........people have actually bought the rhetoric by dems that Romney is all for the rich...............Obama increased his wealth by 10.5 mil in the last 4 yrs.....during the worst economy ever.............he's not rich?..........didn't profit from you and I..??......and subsidised his buddies at solyndra......gee.......his campaign supporters.......are you blind? Romney is worth more than enough to not take the job of president.......the man has a sincere desire to right the wrong........hell Obama and his wife couldn"t even coordinate their vacation schedules to cape cod.............so they had to take two planes............one being air force one.........bet that didn't cost us much huh??..........and shutting down gov't till after the election while Americans in the middle east are killed??............what does this guy do?...........name me an accomplishment we as Americans can be proud of...........and not bin laden.....you can thank the military for that one............whose budget he's ready to slash.
Sounds like all the typical talking points from the right. All right, you want one accomplishment? Saved the auto industry. Now I know you're going to give me the usual "It was a giveaway to the unions", but without it, we would be in a full blown depression now. There is so much more that he has done if you would bother to do any real research.
Why does Romney want to be president? It certainly is apparent by his contributors that it is to further enrich those same contributors.
Protecting failed companies at taxpayer expense is not one for the "win column".
sounds contradictory..............you must be a dem
that is exactly what you guys do.........protect and invest in failing companies...............ie: solndra ( but hey ..thay were campaign contributors ) .......the banks.............and the auto industry.......you screw up , you fail..............there are many more competent businessman who will take your place and get it right..........which is where we are at with the presidential vote................I want a businessman who knows, through experience , how to get it right versus a community organizer who is way over his head when it comes to America........and I'm tired of this guy kissing middle eastern butt
we are Americans............no excuses for that..........we work hard and we believe in righteousness.....we work hard for our place in this country and we are not willing or able to accept a president who wanders around the world at our expense telling a regime who would love nothing more than to obliterate America " we are sorry" again For What?????
enough saving............when a business go bankrupt .that's it, reorganize and learn how to do right..........
I am tired of bailouts and the term to big to fail.............if you, as a bank, screw up and loose millions, guess what?..........you are unemployed.....hit the streets with the employees you just screwed.....instead we have golden parachutes...........what the heck............didn't learn that in college economics.........that is the order of business evolution...........some win some fail...........and out of that comes more efficiency and the learning to get it right...............but if we reward for failure....where is the motivation to succeed........kind of like the current govt.............well gee I didn't know my buddies at solyndra were going bankrupt............do your homework............where is the business analysis and investigation before investment..........that is what Mitt Romney, as a business man vs community organizer brings to the table.............intelligence in making profitable business decisions.
Mitt is one of the most dishonest. Politicians ever. His numbers don't add up. I will stick with Barrack.
Greg you are spot on. These liberals seem to think that this unqualified buffoon can lead the US out of this mess. He DOES have a stellar record of business accomplishments.
Mitt did a wonderful job of getting the mis-informed to think that he is going to deliver on what he said last night. That was just well rehearsed rhetoric to distract from what he is really representing. Don't forget, his masters are the uber wealthy. Do you really think they are spending all that money to benefit the middle class?
"That was just well rehearsed rhetoric to distract from what he is really representing. Don’t forget, his masters are the uber wealthy. Do you really think they are spending all that money to benefit the middle class?" (Mark, the moralist)
This is the kind of doggerel that passes for insight and intelligence among the liberal left...if they just shout and repeat often enough, their lackeys will believe it. Can't you at least make an attempt at critical thought by presenting a thesis and supporting evidence with a conclusion to follow? The moral superiority would be amusing if only it weren't so pathetically lacking in substance. Try having a serious discussion with a flaming liberal and you'll go away realizing you've been talking with the metaphorical wall. They're like petulant children who constantly interrupt to get their self-righteous, narcissistic way.
It is very important for American people to support Mr. Romney and that is the only way for us to turn this Economy and country around. Can't have Obama for another four more years .
Robert that would be nice to believe, but for the women in this country...the far religious-right hypocrits have destroyed the old-GOP. My daughter and I dont want to go back to the 1950s. So imagine how we feel...stuck between economic stupidity and sexist bigots. What a choice!! I dont expect you or most of the men to get this...you dont have a dog in the current anti-female rhetoric and hate campaign. Ever been paid less for the same job? I have...it sucks...but most white males have never experienced this and nor do they care about those who have...because Im supposed to not have that "man's" job and should just stay in the kitchen and shut up. I dont presume to tell anyone how to live their lives..so why has the Republican party so recently emphasized control over womens' lives as paramount? So how do we vote for??? Best wishes to you all in any case!!!
Valarie, anger and good judgment are rarely companions. I think you are throwing stones in the wrong direction. Most males in the religious right care deeply about women's rights and well-being. I want my daughters to be treated equal with any male in the workplace. And I will fight and vote to see that happen.
Hi Mike, good points. Its hard not to be upset by the current anti-female rhetoric of the Republicans...for example Todd Akin. Its sad that soneone so inept is actually running for Congress. Its sad to see that all the hard work of women in my generation be pushed aside and to go backwards. I hope your daughters dont have to face inequality in the workplace, but when some politicians cant even support equal pay for equal work what alternatives are there?
Valerie, you're a pathetic victim, aren't you?
Chalzer...not really until I see mysogynist comments like yours...you are exactly what Im talking about. And if YOUR right were trampled on you would be pissed too. But that will never happen and therefore why should you care. Men complain about their tax dollars to go for birth control yet my tax dollars go to pay for ED drugs for men. Have you ever been paid less than a woman for the same job? So Chalzer, you are the pathetic one who is so self-absorbed, you cant and wont find the time or effort to care about those who are not just like you.
Valerie, you've confirmed it! thanks
Valerie, tax dollars do NOT go for ED drugs for men. Furthermore, private insurance does not pay for ED drugs for men either! If men need ED drugs, they have to pay cash. That's the way it should be! The Federal Government is bloated and power hungry. The Constitution of the United States gives to the Congress certain broad enumerated powers, including the power to lay and collect taxes and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; to borrow money on the credit of the United States, to regulate commerce, to coin money, fix the standard of weights and measures; create courts inferior to the Supreme Court among many others, and to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers. All other powers not specifically designated to the Federal Government belong to the States.
Thanks Leonard, that was well said. I might I add that those ED drugs are very expensive because they are very popular and the companies that produce them can get by with charging pretty much whatever they want. Plus, somehow patents that should expire seem to go on and on after the expiration date.
Your explanation of the powers of the Federal Government were very clear and concise and, regrettably, totally ignored by our Federal Government. To try to counter this I will be voting Libertarian in this election.
Why don't u right-wing scum kill yourself, and let normal people live their lives?
Valerie, there are more than just 2 choices. Vote for Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate. Look him up. I think you will like what you see.
Thank you Gary...I will. Have a great weekend!
Mitt's behavior was disgraceful and embarrassing. More like the guy who insulted Britain than a Statesman. And here's some advice, Mitt. Leave PBS and Big Bird alone. PBS has some of the best programming and least biased reporting available today. If you want the truth go to PBS. Do.n't bother to ask Mitt, though. He would prefer to leave the truth alone
Then the people who want to partake in the programing should invest in PBS.
Hot wax on, pause, cold wax ripped off! Great job Mitt!
I agree 100% with Bill, but I add the special interest with big money.
It was a community organizer vs a governor however don't lick your stamps yet.
Very refreshing to hear someone ( Romney ) with a realistic plan and the desire to make us feel American again. I personally have had enough watching America bend over for the last four years.....and apologizing......for what? As a small business owner, with damn good work ethics, I built my own business from nothing, and believe me, the gov't had nothing to do with that.........only there to tax me and then find ways to absolutely waste those dollars. Nice to finally see a business solution to the fiscal problems we face. Enough of the free riders..........we should learn from other countries........you can visit, but if you are not willing to work and contribute, return home. I have to wonder why so many middle easterners are coming to America.
Why so many "illegals" are welcome here and put the payroll, so to speak ( welfare, helthcare, etc.) What about us hard working guys who appreciate what our parents and grandparents went through for us? We are the middle class, striving to be upper class..........always working harder to improve our position in life and that of our children...........We work hard for a living and welcome the opportunity to work harder and realize the rewards of that hard work.......we're not looking for handouts, but also are intelligent enough to understand that some Americans do need assistance......one's that share that work ethic but have encoutered adversity......and may need a little help to get back on their feet again........and keep on truckin
To summarze: enough nonsense.........let's regain that sense of pride in being American in the trueist sense of the word
It's a privilege to live here.........embrace that and build on it......and those who come here, or those who live here and want to live off of my dime................I don't think so.............earn your own keep. Thank you Mitt Romney for rekindling my hope that I can again be proud to be American.
Greg, you might have missed this, but ICE has been busier than ever before working the border and deporting illegals. When Obama asked Congress for additional funding of $600 Million to strengthen the Border, he was denied.
WOW what a statement!
Greg, Are you really drinking all that kool-aid that you built it all by yourself? Do you have employees? Were they educated in public schools? I would guess that they were. How about the infrastructure?
Unless you're in the $1 million and up range in income, Romney and company couldn't care less about you.
prefer ice tea.........and yes, as a sheet metal contractor, i left my employment, printed out flyers and drove door to door until I was able to generate enough income to place an ad in the yellow pages....installed products by myself until again I was able to afford to hire one laborer, who yes, was educated in public schools, as was I. Through hard work and dedication, I increased the labor pool to 4 employees......things went very well until, of course, 2007 when the economy and construction in my case, tanked.............
have had to reorganize , and reduce employees to cope with the changes.......so yes, to answer your question, built it all by myself............the infrastructure..........as I recall Pres. Bush, who everyone ( especially the dems )
likes to blame for just about everything ,questioned Allan Greenspan on the polocies of the fed and was told in no uncertain terms.." the pres does not question the fed"..........therein lies the problem...........the fed knew the housing bubble they would create............but hey we are beyond question.........they knew the havoc the banks were investing in but hey we are the gods of the ecomy.....don't you dare question us.......that created the problems we are still trying to dig out of.............so enough of the bush bs...........look at the fed actions.......why were they beyond question................and here we go again........print, print and print somemore until what?...devaluation?? and in response to your statement that Romney doesn't care unless I'm a $mil+, you missed the point of his plan and intentions
You have every reason to be proud of what you've accomplished. I wish more people really understood the sacrifices that many Americans have made to build something out of nothing. A real tally would show that the Federal gov't has done more harm than good when it comes to helping small businesses achieve the American dream. Of course, its always easy to criticize from the sidelines. Congrats on what you've accomplished, Greg.
Greg, well stated. Its sad to see people like Mark above who can't recognize the sacrifice, ambition and drive that many proud Americans exhibit in boot-strapping themselves into hard-earned success. God forbid that we recognize those efforts of an individual without crediting every other person in the country for somehow playing an instrumental part in their success. What a message that sends. Don't work hard. Don't out-perform. Don't make others look bad by comparison. Don't perform above the declining mean. The real kool-aid is the socialist dogma that has long permeated countries like France now seeping into the US.
Is being American contemplating oneself on his own achievements ?
You're right on with your assessment of Gov. Romney, 'the American Dream' and what most of us who were raised in the US believe in. It is a privilege to live in the US and to enjoy the freedom afforded by the US Constitution, but not many understand that, or they seem to take it for granted that it will always be there for them. If we continue electing people who wish to circumvent the Constitution so they can remake America to fit their radical vision, we'll get the government we deserve for our lack of understanding that. I'm still incredulous that we hired a community organizer to be the CEO and Commander-in-Chief of the largest and most complex enterprise in human history...IOW, NO RESUME, whatsoever...just an empty suit with a pleasant demeanor and brilliant teeth...no executive experience, just a pile of dung ideology and the canniness to read well from a teleprompter.
This was and obvious win for Mitt Romney and this country needs his kind of guidance in the comming years to keep our system as we know it solvent. Your Grandchildren and their children will thank you.
politics and mitt are disgusting
brilliant statement, George. You must be a wannabe politician.
Who cares. Whoever wins will be a puppet of the bankers and Israel
My mind was already made up. I have better things to do. I have more fun collecting stamps. Go Mitt!~
My mind was already made up. I have better things to do (drink and smoke). I have more fun collecting food stamps (and other entitlements.) Go Barack!~
Hope you're kidding Shamequia. Sounds like it anyhow. But if not, then YOU ARE THE PROBLEM with America. You and your ilk will be responsible for destroying man's last great hope. If you can read review the "Rise and Fall of the roman Empire".
HAHAHAHA! THATS FUNNY SHAMMEQUA !~ Butz u finniz to forgetz to bringz da 40 over on da 6th , and dont forget your ODUMMER PHONE NOW HUNNNY ! HAHAHAHAA SIKKKEEEEEEEEEEE.