Gold Chart of the Week

Each week will be providing us a chart of the week as analyzed by a member of their team. We hope that you enjoy and learn from this new feature.

Weekly Gold Report (December 24 through December 28th)

What a week in the Precious Metals! While the drop in Gold and Silver caught me off guard, I suppose I was not totally surprised. Every year around this time, global markets get thin and it leaves price action vulnerable to unexpected, directional movement.

There were a few factors outside of light volume that may have played a role in the drop. First of all, Washington continues to overpromise and underperform on their Fiscal Cliff negotiations. One of the main points that will remain in limbo without a compromise is taxes. I believe that a large part of the selloff in the Metals was due to traders and investors continuing to book gains on long positions ahead of a potential tax hike next year. Furthermore, these drops invite new sellers to the market that are hoping for a larger scale setback. Second, it was rumored that a large position in the Metals was adjusted after Morgan Stanley decided to drop Paulson and his Metals based investment strategies.

Fundamentally, it is difficult this time of year to fully explain movement in the markets because of the light volume, but technically the market showed us a few things.

Based on the daily chart, the February Gold put in a low after retracing 2/3rds of the move that began in June and topped in October. Last week’s low shows the price target (arrow #1) after breaking below the convergence of the 200day simple moving average (blue wavy line) and the Fibonacci 50% Retracement. So far today, the Gold Futures have risen back to this area and used what was support as a resistance on the climb up.

Short term, last week’s low was a decent sign for traders that are long Gold, but it is still too early to tell whether the low has officially been put in. If the market were to fall below last week’s low, the next major support on the daily and the weekly chart is closer to $1625 an ounce (arrow #2).

If the market can show a few closes above the 200day simple moving average, I would think traders would feel more confident in their long positions.

Happy Holidays to everyone! As always, feel free to call or email me directly with any questions or comments about the Gold Market or any other Futures Markets that you are interested in. I will be happy to discuss them with you. I can be reached by phone at (888) 272-6926 or by email at



Thank you for your interest,
Brian Booth
Senior Market Strategist



5 thoughts on “Gold Chart of the Week

  1. In precious metal trade, Command of Bull or Bear is irrespective, but if all concerned Governments or Authorities immediately not take any preventive action / measures, or fails to act properly, or regulate it in a overall interest of entire sector, ultimate results, Banking Sector will collapse, and also whole financial markets, as well World Economy will ruined, there will be a big "Earth Quack" in global monitory systems. I think, at current juncture, with a view to all possibilities "Keep away from the Market" may proven as the Best strategy.

  2. Gotta love a sure thing, good to know there are not countless variables to throw off a perfect script.

  3. Charts don't matter when the market is rigged.

    Haven't you noticed the enormous short positions the banks have in the previous metals? They have 300 million ounces short in silver, equal to 3 years global investor supply! And they certainly can't cover or deliver! There is no regulation, no control of the market, no law in the US if you happen to be a big bank.

    This will not end well.

    1. I'd like to see silver at $25 and gold at $1500 (or less...?) Bring it down, boys.... I'll be a buyer! I am building a huge position for the next run-up. It's coming, is there really any way they can stop it? We could be in for an extended shakeout, however, as these big crook banks buy the weak hands out. What do you think will happen when gold becomes tier one asset class? Seems to me they are gearing up for it by purchasing it, preferably on the cheap (myself included)!

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