Poll: Benghazi, IRS, AP scandals

Three major topics/scandals at the top of the news this week are the Benghazi terror attack, the IRS targeting conservative groups and the Justice Department going after AP phone records. For me, the most important and scariest one of the bunch is the IRS targeting conservative groups. I find it very unsettling that the IRS can have so much power to freely do what they want to do. As for the other two topics/scandals, I'm not sure what to think, other than Obama just needs to speak the truth for a change. With that said, we wanted to have a quick poll to see....

Which of the three scandals are most important to you?

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38 thoughts on “Poll: Benghazi, IRS, AP scandals

  1. Why were we asked to vote for just one of these despicable three choices? When clearly all three are equally important to us as citizens under the constitution.

  2. The Obama administration is obviously trying to direct public scrutiny away from Benghazi. So that's where investigators shoud look, if they want to uncover the most muck about our President. He was covering up crucial information; I'll guarantee it. Probably a lot more than that.

    1. Republicans have made their positions very clear. They care nothing about the country or it's people. They have stifled the economic recovery in their self-described primary goal of making President Obama a "one-term president". In their efforts to accomplish this failed objective, they have worked hard to stifle any economic recovery lest Obama get credit for it, they have fought to keep the unemployment rate high lest Obama get some credit for lowering it.

      Republicans have no interest in the real story behind the Benghazi attacks. After all, none of them were interested in exploring the loss on embassy life under Reagan (63 in Beirut, 260+ soldiers in Lebanon) or under George Bush?

      Here's a list of embassy deaths under George Bush:

      In 2002 when the US Consulate in the Karachi, Pakistan, was attacked and 10 were killed?

      The US embassy in Uzbekistan was attacked and two were killed and another nine injured?

      In 2004, when the US Consulate in Saudi Arabia was stormed and 8 lost their lives?

      In 2006, armed men attacked the US Embassy in Syria and one was murdered.

      Then in 2007 a grenade was thrown at the US Embassy in Athens.

      In 2008, the US Embassy in Serbia was set on fire.

      In 2008, bombings in the US Embassy in Yemen killed 10.

      When these killings happened, republicans were quick to call for unity and patriotism. They decried blatant partisanship. This is why the word is hypocrisy is so closely associated with The Stupid Party. Mitt Romney was placing blame before any facts were known and while the bodies were still warm. He was wrong in his facts, but continued to twist and turn the story to justify his poor behavior.

      Republicans know that if Hillary Clinton runs for president in 2016, they are looking at losing again by a landslide. So, all of this sudden concern the republicans have shown has nothing to do with dead Americans, it's about creating material with which to make commercials with in 2016.

      1. The administration sold guns illegally to Mexican drug bosses (an act of war) and got away with it. They did the same thing in Libya with bigger guns (also an illegal act of war) and sent the ambassador in to get the guns back to a place they knew (since 2007) was a jihadist center. The video story was a smokescreen and the IRS story is another. FIND OUT WHY AMBASSADOR STEVENS WAS THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE.

        1. Ask your FOX and right wing buddies who perpetuate nonsense day in and day out doling
          out the same crap...

  3. Ping pong--ping pong.....
    Sacre bleu--I think I be getting a Benghazi headache.

  4. Who prefers war to diplomacy?

    Who wants to encourage voting, not restrict it?

    Who prefers to help people in need and who doesn't?

    Who wants to give tax breaks to people who don't need it?

    Who wants to regulate your sex life but not fertilizer factories?

    Who is more interested in extracting dirty oil over leaving a healthy planet for our great-great-grand children?

    Who wants to impose their religious views on everyone else?

    This list goes on, and on, and on.

  5. It must be troubling the GOP to see all the 'in spite of' accomplishment from this presidency. Our recovering economy must be a real disappointment. Ramping down our warring around the world, paying down debt, continuing the less-than-devastating ACA... All the GOP can do is fabricate , gossip and disinformation. Unfortunately, there is an eager audience to the slander, push-polling and hyperbole. FOX channel.Right Wing Radio.

    1. paying down debt....? Whose debt? The debt in my country that Obama leads has doubled in the last five years under his leadership. Fabricate much CJ? (Cue up the blame Bush soundtrack...push loopback button)

      This president continues to kill people overseas without Congressional approval with the drone program. You might call killing fewer people "accomplishments." I don't.

      FYI, I don't watch Fox News either. 🙂

      1. Republicans have made their positions very clear. They care nothing about the country or it's people. They have stifled the economic recovery in their self-described primary goal of making President Obama a "one-term president". In their efforts to accomplish this failed objective, they have worked hard to stifle any economic recovery lest Obama get credit for it, they have fought to keep the unemployment rate high lest Obama get some credit for lowering it.

        Republicans have no interest in the real story behind the Benghazi attacks. After all, none of them were interested in exploring the loss on embassy life under Reagan (63 in Beirut, 260+ soldiers in Lebanon) or under George Bush?

        Here's a list of embassy deaths under George Bush:

        In 2002 when the US Consulate in the Karachi, Pakistan, was attacked and 10 were killed?

        The US embassy in Uzbekistan was attacked and two were killed and another nine injured?

        In 2004, when the US Consulate in Saudi Arabia was stormed and 8 lost their lives?

        In 2006, armed men attacked the US Embassy in Syria and one was murdered.

        Then in 2007 a grenade was thrown at the US Embassy in Athens.

        In 2008, the US Embassy in Serbia was set on fire.

        In 2008, bombings in the US Embassy in Yemen killed 10.

        When these killings happened, republicans were quick to call for unity and patriotism. They decried blatant partisanship. This is why the word is hypocrisy is so closely associated with The Stupid Party. Mitt Romney was placing blame before any facts were known and while the bodies were still warm. He was wrong in his facts, but continued to twist and turn the story to justify his poor behavior.

        Republicans know that if Hillary Clinton runs for president in 2016, they are looking at losing again by a landslide. So, all of this sudden concern the republicans have shown has nothing to do with dead Americans, it's about creating material with which to make commercials with in 2016.

        1. CJ, all of those incidents were investigated, not with great fanfare and media coverage, but they were all investigated. Do you understand the difference here? The administration knew the truth (Islamic terror attack) and sent out their representatives to lie about that attack (protest over a movie?!?). To my recollection, no one lied or covered up the other incidents you cited.

          I agree that Republicans have no interest other than to get elected. Sounds awfully like a Democrat to me.

          Romney did treat the incident in a ham fisted way, but the passage of time has shown he was closer to the truth than what you thought. Can you admit that CJ? Didn't think so.

          The *only* way Hillary Clinton wins in 2016 is if Republicans offer up another "moderate" (term used for Republicans that act like Democrats) like Romney and McCain. If the Republicans put up an eloquent true conservative, you will see a beat down similar to Reagan's victories. True conservative = government is the problem, not the solution. Anything but a true conservative will lose to Hillary and probably any other Democrat offering.

        2. Why didn't you respond to the paying down the debt comment? Oh yeah, because you blatantly lied about it. Partisan hacks like you disgust me, CJ.

          The world is a much more beautiful place when you are not wearing blue (or red) tinted glasses.

          How could you get the debt thing so wrong, CJ? How?

  6. A five year president is hardly inexperienced. His accomplishments are easy to see all around you if you open your angry, smug and snarky little eyes. Self esteem and confidence kinda go with leadership if you hadn't noticed. Divisive? You mean continuing to accomplish the nation's business over do-nothing obstructive congress?

  7. IRS is definitely intolerable. But so is Benghazi . They both are of equal importance but could only vote for one. The AP thing we'll have to wait and see how it plays out. Would like to see the Benghazi thing bring guilty people to justice. This is America, supposed to be land of the free, and the home of the brave! Play ball!

  8. Hey Jeremy,

    You neglected to add a fourth choice:

    These are not scandals.

    They're screw-ups of limited scope that the opposition is attempting to inflate into scandal status. A scandal is something on the scale of the bank bail-outs and insider manipulation that went along with it, or the official lying about Weapons of Mass Destruction to get us into a bloody and wasteful war. Those were scandals that did large-scale permanent damage. With due respect, next time, please give us a more thoughtful choice.

  9. Laughably Obama said this evening that what the IRS had done was despicable, whether one is a Democrat or a Republican and so the head of the IRS had to go. The IRS chief did not occupy that position when the events occurred. Most likely the IRS carried out its program during the reelection period with the full knowledge and support of Obama, whose reelection campaign benefited from the IRS actions. Unlike President Truman, who said the "buck stops here," meaning himself as leader, our current president accepts responsibility for nothing, unless he thinks it makes him look "good." Pointing fingers at the ineptitude of prior President Bush does not provide cover for Obama's equally great lack of presidential acumen. At this point in time, I think one can safely say that the two worst and most incompetent presidents this nation has had are Bush and Obama.

  10. It slowly is becoming obvious to everyone just how slimy this administration is. Too bad it did not happen before the election.

  11. The worst Problem is the fact that the IRS, rewrote the law for Charitable, 501c's from "Exclusively" to "primarily", back when Eisenhower was President, and which is now exploited by the Rove, TP, right(wrong).

    Since when was EXCLUSIVELY only "49.x%", and how can anyone get away with it? It's a violation of law Legislated by Congress and Violated by the IRS

    The IRS, under whatever influence, rewrote the Law of Congress. And it's been exploited and corrupted ever since.

  12. Turning their backs on fellow Americans under fire in Benghazi should disqualify those people from working as public servants and punished by transfer to the slammer for the duration.

  13. I have always noticed that when something large happens and is finally exposed, all that has happened is the surface of the problem got a very small scratch. Imagine what we would think if for once the complete truth came out. The current administration has a serious problem with telling the truth about

    1. No. Failing to assist our people in Benghazi reflects a mindset which affects everything.

  14. I see little point in voting. There is always some smokescreen to try to convince the U.S. citizenry that our federal government are actually doing something positive and useful while distracting attention from all the scams. Apparently, it works, since the same criminals keep getting re-elected to continue their scams and steal our money.

  15. When are you folks going to catch on? Its the Dems versus the Repubs and we are the ping pong ball they are playing with us in the middle.

    1. I agree with this comment. It is time to go back to the events (starting with the events before the Gulf War and leading up to the invasion of Iraq , Valerie Plame and others) and hold those public officials accountable for handing power to Iran and fostering the hate for the United States among the larger Muslim world, to say nothing of the violent death of untold numbers of innocent people. After 9/11 there was an outpouring of sympathy from Muslims worldwide for our country.
      There was very littl scandal mongering by those who opposed the Bush/Cheney actions.

      1. Your comment made me chuckle. Your selective memory proves you are a partisan hack. The events leading up to the Iraq War have been investigated. Valerie Plume case was chased, doggedly I might add, by the left, and Scooter Libby was sentenced to prison.

        Your very little scandal mongering comment made me outright laugh. The media hounded the Bush Administration constantly. They tried to make a mountain out of every mole hill. (Personally, I don't mind this...it's their job!) I only ask that the media treat the Obama Administration with the same scrutiny. I can only hope that the recent AP scandal will change their attitude about the current administration. If trampling on the free press does not convince the MSM that Obama is just as power mongering as the previous administration, I have no hope for them.

        As for you Richard Morgese, the red necks are right next to the academic elites and other leftists now, saying nothing about "their" administration. I am so sick and tired of partisan hacks. R's and D's have proven they do not have the American people's best interest at heart. I voted mostly third party in 2012 for the first time in my life. I will probably do it again...

  16. listening to Obamas mouthpiece it occured to me that the drivel he was spewing about the affairs and events that happened under his watch are not true, or are irrelavant to the leadership of the country, as they had to be asleep at all times during the events that were not contrived by them. the bloated, clewless,irresponsible, buracracy that gets the news after I do cannot have a clue what their job is.

  17. You should include Fast and Furious where one American and several Mexicans were killed.

  18. Jeremy,
    I must agree with the first post. None of the above. At this point in time, I am firmly of the belief that our Government and most of the courts are hopelessly corrupted and incompetent. Only some major shock or reset has any chance of initiating real change. I think, living one's life with integrity and compassion is the only path to creating a healthy planet.

  19. None of the above. Time is valuable, and I make the choice of focusing on how to improve my investments and trades vs. expending valuable energy chasing my tail. What a concept, right?

  20. All Citizens

    These 3 situations are all having one synister. element in common and that is a TOTAL disregard for our US citizens. and our rights. The 4 Americans pleaded for this administrations.help and they were ignored and disregarded. AP phone tapping.without warrants is a total disregard for our 1 st Amendment rights. The IRS. dangling out conservative groups is. a capricious and arbitrary use of their power and is again a total misuse of power.

    This administration in particular seems to hold itself out as being above the law and about themselves and a total disregard for our constitutional rights. Eric Holder and what he did with " Fact and Furious should along with the AP phone tapping without warrants should be made to resign immediately. President Obama should be " impeached " immediately. He lied and 4 Americans died as either he or Hillary told the Us Military to stand down. Nixon lied and was impeached and no one died. Its time for the American citizens to speak.

    A Knowledgeable Veteran

    It is time that these selfish egotistical politics be brought up on charges. Eric Holder and what he did with " Fast abduction Furious

    1. I believe when we finally received the break we needed to persuade the mainstream media who had been an ally to the president, that this man is not qualified to be president, he never was, and he never will. The only politics. He knows is southside Chicago and I think our country is much bigger than their and more important. This AP trick will make the mainstream press do more digging to eeally know and understand this president.

  21. The saddest part is that you'll probably never find out how far up the government ladder this may be and worse that even if we do find out there will be no accountability. Some poor clerk will get fired with a big press release and the rest will just disappear.

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