Today is Apple's big day as it announces new products at 1 pm ET. What Apple, Inc. (NASDAQ:APPL) will announce has been the talk and buzz of the tech world for the past several weeks and we want to know what you think.
So here is today's question....

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many people has lost o lot of money on scalping on Apple.DAME
wow, very amasing news of cell users this is the most popular usage of world cell lovers like treat is our child
new release of apple phone techniques is cheaper the price is very low
i am proud of the techologies and the cost is very least out frinds cirlces are all are used apple phoe
i am very intersting apple phone but i dont know is getting from free
we are very intersting apple phone
What devise I currently have is sufficient. Let the younger crowd that just need the latest apple phone buy it and hopefully apples stock continues its upward growth path.
I'm with you T Bob. My iPhone 4 works just fine and don't see an need to upgrade to a new one.
I'm sorry, but your non-participation in the planned obsolescence program is unacceptable. Re-read your EULA that came with your existing device where it states: "You agree that, as new versions of both the underlying operating system (including integrated addons) as well as the physical manifestation of the device (or devices) become available, you will re-purchase them without question or hesitation."
It's right there, clear as crystal, you agreed to the iPhone EULA and therefore you MUST purchase the next version or risk contract termination and possible (at Apples discretion) device destruction. (NOTE: when the device begins to beep in accelerating tones please stand at least 15 feet (3.2 meters) from the device until detonation.)
I think I may have actually strained something important while convulsively laughing at your post! I'll have my legal team review recent legal rulings to see if maybe I can collect for all the pain and suffering your statements have cost me. Meanwhile I will have them review the EULA from my recent 5s purchase to see if there might be some way to get out of participation in the planned obsolescence program. Might be cheaper to just buy the new phone! LOL
You know, I knew I felt obligated to buy one for some odd reason. LOL