Trading Tip #3 - Market Cliches

Market Cliches: Learn and memorize those market cliches. They may be repeated a lot by websites, brokers and the like, but they do hold some value in their lessons.12 Days of Trading Tips Day 3

Let's talk about my favorite cliche: "The trend is your friend."

One might argue that the most important tip to successful trading is to stick with the trend as much as possible. I'm not sure who said it first, but they clearly knew the secret to making money in the markets. Any trader worth their salt will tell you that, It's easier to make money trading with the trend vs. trading against the trend.

It's something to think about next time your researching that next great trade. Am I going with the flow or not?

Here are a few more of my favorites:

"When in doubt, get out."

"Don't try to catch a falling knife."

"Sell in May and go away."

"Buy the rumor and sell the news."

Every success with MarketClub,
Adam Hewison
Co-Creator, MarketClub

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3 thoughts on “Trading Tip #3 - Market Cliches

  1. Another good market cliché (mine):

    "I could be wrong."
    --by Napolean Hill in Think and Grow Rich's attributes of success: Humility.


  2. Adam;

    Could you PLEASE drop those video ads on the right side ????

    Why ?

    1. Vids are a distraction from my analyzing the graphs.
    2. Most of those vids are too weird and unacceptable.

    Thanks and
    Do it now ! (a motivational cliché by W. Clement Stone).

    Happy Holidays,

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