Sneak Peek At Our New MarketClub Charts

This week we have something very special to show you. We are pulling back the curtains to give you a sneak peek at MarketClub's new charting program.

There's nothing to buy, so all you have to do is look and listen. Did I say listen? How can you listen to a chart? Well, these patent pending charts include our new "Talking Chart" feature.

Can you imagine a chart that actually talks to you and tells exactly what's going on in any market you are looking at or following?  Well, now you don't have to imagine anymore as this is valuable feature is available at no extra cost in the latest version of MarketClub.

In addition to our "Talking Chart" feature, we have also improved our "Trade Triangle" technology so that it is even more powerful than before.

I think you'll be impressed. Please take a few minutes out of your day to see how our new charts are revolutionary in many ways.

Please feel free to contact us on our blog about these new charts. We expected to go live with them any day now and you're going to love them.

All the best,

Adam Hewison

Co-creator, MarketClub

P.S.  To celebrate our new charts we are going to give the first 50 new annual subscriptions an extra three months to our MarketClub service. You need to call us to get this special offer: 800-538-7424. 410-867-2100.  If you're thinking of joining MarketClub there's never been a better time to do it.

44 thoughts on “Sneak Peek At Our New MarketClub Charts

  1. Something that is undocumented but useful, you can move the sliders for the studies 1 unit at a time by clicking on them and then using the arrow keys on your keyboard

  2. RE; New Charts

    They Look Great

    It would help if the Colours for the different Moving averages were more discernable. Right now they look like one shade.


    1. Agreed. We have a revision to roll out in the next day or so that will address the moving average colors. Thanks for the compliment and suggestions. Dave

      1. Hi Dave,

        Would it be possible to do any of the following?

        1. Add the ability to draw a vertical line through the chart and all of the lower studies. This would make it easier to identify divergences

        2. Manually arrange the below chart indicators

        3. Displace the moving averages

        4. Add on balance true range indicator (this is pretty simple, just take the code you have for onbalance volume and replace the "volume" with the daily true range)

        5. Draw trendlines on the below chart studies

        1. Steve,

          Thanks for the suggestions.

          Your #1 suggestion may fit into a crosshair pointer mode we have planned. We could also flex the trendlines to extend down. Have many vertical lines do you foresee using?

          #2 Yes, definitely and soon.

          #3 DMAs, yes. We have a lot of studies we want to add and I'll make sure that is well on the list.

          #4 Definitely soon. I agree, it would be pretty easy to implement.

          #5 Good idea and we'll research it.

          Again, much appreciated!

          Dave Maher

  3. Very nice job Adam.
    I suggest different colors for SMA and SMA200 availability.


    1. Faenza,

      Thanks for the comment. I will catalog your suggestion for the next version of MarketClub. It is appreciated.


      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

      1. Thanks! We're working on that now, and will also be labeling the SMA and EMA color legend with the number of periods to make it easier to track.

  4. Adam,

    Like the new charts. They look slick and useful.

    Your video said they'd be auto-updating. I'm looking at the overnight futures now. They don't appear to be updating.

    Is that feature still pending?



  5. Well done! Guys. It looks fresh platform. I am trying to be familiar with the new features. I found there are template saved studies feature not available in the new charting system. Every time I have to set up each studies when open up my portflio. Could you help with a solution.



    1. Dear Stephanie,

      The auto-save function is now automatic. When you set up the studies on your chart, they will say until you remove them. It's a really helpful feature and personally it saves me so much time.

      If you need help setting anything up, please don't hesitate to contact our support staff at 800-538-7424 or by emailing




      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

    1. Hi John,

      The save setting is now automatic. Once you set your chart up, the studies will no go away unless you remove them. It's great and it saves a lot of time.

      Enjoy and let us know if you need any help with the new charts.


      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

  6. Congratulations to you and Dave, Adam. Great work. I am assuming we can find all the markets here, including forex and commodities?

    The only question I have is:




    1. Hugh,

      We have real-time forex prices and yes we do have great charts for forex at


  7. Kudos to you and Dave for an amazing effort on the new charts.
    Many probably have some indicator or study they like that may not be available in your charts. Mine is Fibonacci extensions. You didn't mention them in your intro, so I'm assuming they're not there. Hopefully they can be added without too much effort.
    Thanks for a great service and your continuing efforts to improve it. Now, with the new charts, one of the best may become the best.

    1. We'll definitely research Fib extensions and let you know as we roll out new additions to MarketClub. Thanks for the suggestion! Dave

  8. gret addition to a great subscription; when do you think it will be available?
    Thanks again

  9. I can't wait for your next video analysis. The last technical analysis you did on the markets was fantastic and spot on as usual.

    The charts look great. This looks like a great program. I have to check out the new talking chart technology. Do you have daily pivot points calculated? Also do you have a pattern recognition scanner? I have to check out the new talking chart technology.

  10. That looks slick Adam, I can't wait to use it! I knew I made a great choice when I first subscribed to marketclub years ago.

    1. Vince,

      I hope you enjoy all the new features in the new MarketClub charts. Thanks for all your business.


  11. Dennis,

    Thank you very much for your positive feedback I'm glad that you're enjoying our trade triangle technology.


  12. Can't wait to use it. I am really impressed by the power of the Triangle technology. It is too bad for me I just found this year.


  13. Awesome Adam,

    This is great. Talking feature is unbelievable. I cannot wait to starting charting myself using this technology. Am glad that I am a member of Market Club.

    Keep the good work going.



  14. Very nice chart system. Moveable Fib's are much easier to find my pullbacks and I'm really happy to see that on here! The talking triangle info is pretty slick too 😉 Maybe we can get a sexy woman's voice? HAHA

    Thanks for all the great info you share Adam! I subscribe to INO TV as well, which has tons of great education!

    1. Dan,

      Thank you for your positive feedback. The credits for the movable Fibs goes to my business partner Dave Maher. in fact Dave has worked tirelessly on putting these charts together for our members.

      Both Dave and I are very happy that you like them. Now for the good news, we do have a woman's voice with our talking chart technology I'll let you decide how sexy it is.

      All the best,


  15. Hello Adam,Kodo's to you sir.I just recently joined INOTV&joined Market Club this year very impressed.Thank you for all you do for Us...ED

    1. Edward,

      Thank you for your comments and your business. A great deal of the credit for the charts goes to my business partner Dave Maher who has worked tirelessly getting the nuts and bolts of our new charting system together. I'm glad you like it.

      All the best,

  16. I had made up my mind to write to you about some problems I was facing with the old charts. But this is really nice. Im really looking forward to using the new charts. Glad that you guys are keeping the innovation going and anticipating your users needs (Maybe you guys should be talking to the guys in Detroit!) ..talking charts? Now thats something!!

    Keep up the good work, Adam and your team..

    1. Thanks John! We appreciate your compliments and feedback. Keep any comments or criticisms coming, we want to be the best out there. Dave

  17. Hi Adam,
    Wow! That's very cool! Appreciate very much for your kind effort to improve Market Club service, as always. Is it live chart with live data ? When is it ready for use?
    Best regards from Singapore, Tanu

  18. Hi Adam (et all) -

    Really cool! Much better. Can't wait to start using - especially the talking chart 🙂

    Thanks for making a great product awsome.


  19. Wow! I can't wait for this -- it will be a major improvement for me. I have been using TD Ameritrade and google for most charting thus far, and using Market club only for deep analysis and the trade triangles and scans.

    If, and only if, it will work on my Ubuntu Linux systems I use for trading, that is. Flash implementations tend to lag a bit on this platform -- we don't get the new features quite a quickly as other platforms do. I refuse (and so should everyone else) to let my money be controlled by anything Windows, it's just too much of an extra risk for no particular reward. So please do some testing with the Linux platforms to be sure that those of us who prefer secure operating systems are able to use this too.

    Great job, Adam, and thanks for all...Market club has been a great help in these crazy market conditions, and has helped us be solidly in the green with pretty good consistency. Plenty of motion can be turned into plenty of money if you're on the right side of it, and Market club has been a boon in that effort.


    1. It will work great on Ubuntu Linux. I use that as one of my test platforms, as well as OpenSUSE and Gentoo Linux. Mac OS X and of course Windows. Adobe has done a pretty good job supporting Linux with version 10 of Flash Player, and we've tried to make it a smooth application on every platform.

      We appreciate your business - thanks for the comment.


  20. Hi Adam,

    I have to admit this is very impressive.

    Much nicer then what you have now.

    Best regards


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