Major Averages Close Firmly Positive After Seeing Early Weakness

(RTTNews) - After moving modestly lower in early trading, stocks showed a substantial turnaround over the course of the trading day on Friday. The markets benefited from a positive reaction to the latest reports regarding the world's central banks.

Housing stocks showed a strong move to the upside over the course of the trading day, driving the Philadelphia Housing Sector Index up by 1.3 percent. With the gain, the index reached a four-year closing high.

M/I Homes (MHO) and Standard Pacific (SPF) turned in two of the housing sector's best performances, advancing by 4.4 percent and 4.2 percent, respectively.

Significant strength also emerged among telecom stocks, as reflected by the 1.2 percent gain posted by the NYSE Arca North American Telecom Index. Verizon (VZ) and Sprint Nextel (S) posted notable gains on the day.

Natural gas, computer hardware, and biotechnology stocks also saw considerable strength, moving to the upside along with most of the other major sectors.

The major averages moved roughly sideways going into the close, ending the day firmly in positive territory. The Dow jumped 100.51 points or 0.8 percent at 13,157.97, the Nasdaq rose 16.39 points or 0.5 percent to 3,069.79 and the S&P 500 advanced 9.05 points or 0.7 percent to 1,411.13.

Despite the gains on the day, the major averages all moved lower for the week. The Dow fell by 0.9 percent, while the Nasdaq and the S&P 500 slid by 0.2 percent and 0.5 percent, respectively.

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4 thoughts on “Major Averages Close Firmly Positive After Seeing Early Weakness

  1. The 12 families of banks own the Federal reserve and the US Dollar. they took over the Federal Reserve 1913 in return for bailing the US out of debt at the time. JFK Bucked the system and we can see shere that got him.

  2. Treatise on Presidential Elections
    By The LeoCoerion Society

    The Republic

    MAXIMUS HOMO defines: “...New Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form …“~The Declaration of Independence.

    As our Founding Fathers envisioned it!

    When we speak of a form of government; no one thinks of any external or visible shape, but of the nature and adjustment of the various parts composing the government, and by means of which it is administered. A person, who reads and understands our constitution or organic law of the State, sees therein its form of government. We speak, also, of the form of society in a particular nation; and by this is meant the nature and relation of the several parts composing such society, the nature and arrangement of its social, industrial, commercial, educational, artistic, moral, and religious elements. Again, we speak of the form of a government; and by this we mean the character, connection, order, subordination, etc., of its various functionaries, the mode of their appointment, and their respective duties. When it is said, therefore, that our government is in the human form, the meaning is that it is in human order; that all its parts, or all the innumerable societies of which it consists, are so arranged and adjusted as to express most perfectly the truly human principles which constitute the essential spirit of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.. In other words, the relation, mutual dependence, and intercommunication of the societies composing the whole, and the uses they respectively perform, correspond to those existing among the various organs of the human body and their respective uses. One is a perfect type or representative image of the other body. It should appoint its wisest and best men to preside over its interests, because every one is aiming to subject himself to the government of the highest good and truth. And so the form or order of that community becomes more and more human. All its corporate acts express more and more faithfully the human thoughts and feelings with which the minds of its individual members are imbued. Such community is in the human form, therefore, just so far as the individual minds composing it are human. The moment one ceases to do its work, or appropriates more that its share of the juices elaborated, or more than it needs to fit it for the performance of its appointed use, that moment comes disease to itself and disease to all the rest. And if it perseveres in this abnormal course, sooner or later death inevitably ensues. Notwithstanding there exists authority and obedience, there is nothing like tyranny on the one hand or slavishness on the other. There must be perfect freedom.

    The demise

    of our republican form of government.

    “Our Founding Fathers predicted the inevitable demise of their republican form of government, which is presently upon us:

    ‘It takes time, observed John Jay, to make Sovereigns of Subjects and for them to realize that the government is their own.'

    'The Republic will degenerate into a democracy with the politicians promising largess and the people voting their own self-interest,' quipped Madison.

    'The lawyers will get into Congress to manage the Constitution, license fiat money and pillage the treasury,' remarked Amos Singletary.

    'The Supreme Court judges, ignorant of its historical setting, will be unable to interpret the Constitution and the original intent of its provisions; and there will arise a two-party system, divided along economic interests, leading to deadlock as the public good is disregarded in the conflict of rival parties,” opined Madison.
    Re: The Federalist Papers, en essentia.

    Truth cries out
    Now and then, as if an echo was a friend.

    Then: Our Founding Fathers considered the people to be an illiterate mob
    and democracy to be mob rule.
    Latin was the language of science and Swedenborg’s “Vera Religio Christiana” was just being translated into an American edition with the help of fifty subscribers including Benjamin Franklin and Robert Morris.
    Water was unfit to drink and tobacco was not yet the main crop so, when Jefferson wrote the twelfth amendment to the U. S. Constitution he may have been stoned on booze and high on hemp from Washington’s thirty acre crop.

    The twelfth amendment was intentionally ambiguous and cryptic to
    Preempt Churchill’s observation that:
    “We won’t get it right until everything else has failed.”

    Now: Little has changed except that the Latin language is dead; Thomas Jefferson’s copy of Swedenburg’s True Christian Religion has been buried in the Library of Congress and the twelfth amendment is in need of detoxification.

    To wit:
    When historical evidence bears witness to our Founding Father’s intent:
    The spirit of the law must take precedence over the letter of the law:

    The Electoral College was intended by our Founding Fathers to preserve the ancient Precedent established by the Israelites on the Plains of Encampment
    when Levi was in the Midst: also when the thirteen Chieftains of the lost tribes who had settled in Scandinavia held a TING to elect their King; likewise when the Pope is chosen: and this is the reason that when George Washington was likewise elected he was given the title of ~Mr. Precedent.

    [With ambiguous placement, a modifier is confusing to a reader because it can refer to two or more words in a sentence.
    .Cryptic implies a purposely concealed meaning <cryptic hints of hidden treasure] (c) 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.

    “The Electors…one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves…

    . But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice.

    The Leocorion Society


  3. Treatise on Armageddon
    (By The LeocorionSociety)

    An uncovering, a bringing to light of that which had been previously wholly hidden or only obscurely seen. God has been pleased in various ways and at different times (Heb. 1:1) to make a supernatural revelation of himself and his purposes and plans, which, under the guidance of his Spirit, has been committed to writing.
    Because by thy sorcery have all nations been seduced signifies that by their wicked arts and persuasions they have compelled all the well disposed to believe and to do those things from which they have gained dominion and wealth. This is evident from the signification of "sorcery," as being arts and persuasions, also from the signification of "nations" as being those who are in good, thus the well disposed; also from the signification of "to be seduced," as meaning to be deceived by such arts and persuasions into believing and doing those things from which they have gained dominion and wealth. "Sorcery" has nearly the same signification in the Word as "enchantment," and "enchantment" signifies such persuasion as causes a man to have no other perception than that a thing is so.
    “Armageddon" signifies the love of honor, of rule, and of supereminence. This love is also signified by "Megiddo" in the old Hebrew tongue, as is evident from the meaning of that word in Arabic. The love of honor, of rule, and of supereminence is the last state, when falsities are about to fight against truths, because that love is about to rule in the last times. When that love rules, falsity from evil rules also, and this overcomes truth; for that love more than all other loves extinguishes the light and induces darkness. Because that love is man's very own love of self, no force can drawn the person away from it. When man is wholly immersed by that love, it is nothing but mere falsities. This does not appear to the person who is in it, because according to the brilliancy of the natural light in them spiritual light is extinguished. This brilliancy is from a delusive light, for it is a light kindled from the love of glory, thus from the love of self-intelligence; and that intelligence is insanity and folly. It is all over; for no one has any longer any understanding of truth or any will of good; since honor, rule, and supereminence constitute the highest pleasure. Felt as the highest good, and the highest pleasure, the end for the sake of which all other things are regarded; all goods and truths, civil, moral, and spiritual, serve as means, which are loved only from the end and to the extent that they serve the end. When they do not so serve they are utterly despised and rejected. This is true of all uses, civil, moral, or spiritual. It is otherwise when uses are made the end, and man does not attribute glory and honor to his own person, but to the uses themselves according to their excellence. Then honor, rule, and supereminence are the means, and are esteemed only to the extent that they serve uses
    From all this it can in some measure be seen what "Armageddon" means. Sweden

  4. déjà vu
    (Bernanke and the Rothschild Effect)

    [Truth cries out, now and then,
    (As if an echo were a friend,)
    To flinch and shy away again.]

    When an historical event was so holocaustic that history itself was in denial:
    History may repeat itself!

    The Old World Order

    The same conditions that led the German People to elect an anti-Jewish Hitler are being repeated here in the United States and around the world.

    The New World Order

    The Cocaine-like addiction to Power and Wealth has coalesced into a New World Order:
    Funded by the Federal Reserve; promoted by the Council on Foreign Relations; implemented by the military-industrial-complex and ritualized by the Supreme Court and Citizens United.

    Before there was a final solution there was krystal nacht!

    Jewish law forbids usury except to strangers!
    When the Federal Reserve allows or causes the interest rates to rise, the Friends-of-Ben will have enough interest free money to buy up just about everything: As they have been doing with adjustable rate mortgages, reverse mortgages, credit card fees, inflated property taxes, etc, etc. etc.
    The avarice and greed of some persons?, in my opinion,
    is the Anti-Christ! (Is a holiday tree really kosher?)

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