Final video from Maine ... Dollar Index Update

My wife and I just got back from cruising the Maine coastline and we were blessed with great weather and calm seas. When I got back to my summer home and had access once again to the internet, I immediately started looking through the MarketClub charts. It was then that I realized that it has been sometime since I last did a video on the Dollar Index.

Watch Dollar Index Video Here

Since we are heading back to our home in Maryland on Wednesday, this will be my last video postcard from Maine.

So let's get started.

The last time I made a video of this index was a little over two months ago. In that video our "Trade Triangle" technology predicted that we would see further weakness in the Dollar Index. Guess what? This market has weakened substantially since our last video on July 14.

Our "Trade Triangle" technology has really been on top of this market and captured every major move since inception. MarketClub's "Trade Triangles" remain steadfastly bearish and there appears to be no lasting turnaround in the Dollar Index as of this writing.

In this short video, I want to show you exactly how the "Trade Triangles" can benefit your own trading. The process is very simple, very direct, and yes, very profitable. Nothing is guaranteed in trading, but you will certainly put the odds in your corner using our "Trade Triangle" technology.

There is no need to register for this video and of course you can watch it with my compliments. I highly recommend watching this video today otherwise you risk missing out on what could be the move of the year.

Enjoy the video and please give us your feedback on this blog.

All the best,

Adam Hewison
Co-creator, MarketClub

3 thoughts on “Final video from Maine ... Dollar Index Update

  1. Great to have you back Adam. The dollar video strenghtened my forecast of the dollar. I do however have a question. When the triangle technology generates a green monthly triangle subsequent to an earlier posted green monthly triangle, does the newly generated green triangle have the same definitive strenght and meaning as the initial green monthly triangle reversing the trend from a red monthly triangle?
    Thanks so much. Bob

  2. Hi Adam,

    I am new to MarketClub and new to stock trading. Very impressive sets of tools you people have implemented! I am following TradeTringles and so far so good, it works for me. I notice though that I am exiting my positions before them gets to the very top. Should I embrace the rules –Cut Losses Short –Let Profit Run.

    Best Regards and Thank you for those grate videos,

    Mike Chaple
    System Analyst
    I am also a Sailor at The Florida Keys

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