10 ways to improve your trading in 2010

Dear Trader,

Here are 10 ways to improve your trading in 2010.  This is the real "Holy Grail" of trading. I don't know of any successful trader who does not adhere to these rules in their personal or corporate trading.

Enjoy the video and let us know what you think on our blog.

All the best,

Adam Hewison
President, INO.com
Co-creator, MarketClub

30 thoughts on “10 ways to improve your trading in 2010

  1. Hello Adam
    Thanks for all your advice on trading I am getting closer to developing my trading system.
    On Rule #4 Diversity
    How much should you have in each position to be diverified enough. IS 2 or 3 postions of $25,000 each good for a $75000 account? (With of course stop losses on them). As well would you keep each position the same size?

    1. hi Adam
      thanks for your advice.please i want to know which currency is easier for a beginner to trade and for a beginner is it wise to trade more than one currency at a time.please what is the best time for trading.how does the stochastic oscillator work. to avoid been greedy what do you think should be my profit target for now. please feel free to give me all the advice that you can, i will really appreciate it. merry christmas!

  2. Alex,

    What you are looking for is a 12% return on capital. That cannot be done without a degree of risk. If you're not willing to accept risks then you will not be able to get a 12% return on your money.

    With interest rates at historic lows there is no safe, sure way to get the kind of returns you are looking for.

    MarketClub can help, but it cannot guarantee that you will get a positive return, no company can do that.

    All the best,

  3. Hi Adam,
    I'm a new to trading, lost a lot of money in the housing market, your advice is very interesting..just a quick question, if was to put my hands on $100,000, what would be the best way for me to invest to make at least $1,000 a month.

    Thanks, and have a happy New Year.

  4. Hi Adam,please i was unable to listen to the video on the ten ways to improve my trading in 2010 because of buffering,so i am asking if you could please send the ten instructions to my e-mail.
    I will be grateful if my request will granted.
    Thanks in anticipation.


    1. Emmanuel,

      Here you go.

      10 Golden Rules of Trading

      Hello, my name is Adam Hewison. I’ve learned a lot in my many years as a professional trader on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and also as a hedge fund manager in Switzerland. Today I want to share some of that knowledge with you in my 10 Golden Rules of Trading.

      1) Have a Game Plan - Figure out why you’re getting into the market and more importantly how to get out if you’re wrong.

      2) Follow the Game Plan - It’s amazing how many people create a game plan, but do something completely different in the emotion of the moment. The game plan grounds you and it keeps you on track about what you want to do.

      3) Use Stop-Loss - Placing a stop-loss order is another way to stop emotional decisions and prevent losses from mounting. A stop-loss gives you important protection for your capital.

      4) Reduce Your Risk – Diversification is an easy way to reduce your risk level when trading. A diverse portfolio might include markets from completely different sectors (example: Apple and crude oil). These markets are not correlated and therefore their success or failures are completely independent of one another.

      5) Filter Your Trades – It’s important to determine a set of criteria you can use to narrow down which markets will make good trades. MarketClub offers tools to help you do this, but you can do it yourself easily if you try. A filtering technique will help you to not take those little squiggly trades that can eat up your capital, but to just capture the big moves.

      6) Trade with the Trend - If the trend is going up, trade on the long side. If the trade is going down, then trade on the short side. Trading with the trend will put the odds are in your favor.

      7) Do Not Listen to the News - Many stories are planted by traders to affect the market. Within half an hour the news will be gone and the market will be doing something else, it’s just that simple.

      8) Don’t Listen to Your Broker - Your broker has a vested interest in putting money in his pocket and not yours. There is a conflict of interest there, so do your homework and make your own trades.

      9) Money Management - You really have to be good at managing your capital. This refers back to what we said before with diversity, stop-losses, and profit objective. All of these come under money management, which is a very important part of trading.

      10) Disciplined Trading – To me, discipline is the key element to successful trading. I’ve made this the last rule because this is the one I really want you to listen to and remember. Being disciplined is following your stops, your game plan, and to take your profits when they hit an objective.

      I hope that my Ten Golden Rules of Trading will help you and put you on the right track in the New Year. Wishing you every success in trading and in life, I’ll see you on the web.

      All the best,
      Adam Hewison
      President, INO.com
      Co-creator, MarketClub

  5. Adam

    thanks for these ten great rules and much apreciated for sharing them with us!

    all the best in 2010 for you and marketclub. Appreciate all the time & effort with all the short videos you guys send out. they rock.

  6. thank you so much for helping us to protect the capital & improve the trading practice and happy mery christmas & happy new year in advance,

  7. Adam, is your trading rules found in written form on your web site? Good stuff and would like to read regularly to keep me focus.

    1. JR,

      Thanks for your feedback. Here you go.

      10 Golden Rules of Trading

      Hello, my name is Adam Hewison. I’ve learned a lot in my many years as a professional trader on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and also as a hedge fund manager in Switzerland. Today I want to share some of that knowledge with you in my 10 Golden Rules of Trading.

      1) Have a Game Plan - Figure out why you’re getting into the market and more importantly how to get out if you’re wrong.

      2) Follow the Game Plan - It’s amazing how many people create a game plan, but do something completely different in the emotion of the moment. The game plan grounds you and it keeps you on track about what you want to do.

      3) Use Stop-Loss - Placing a stop-loss order is another way to stop emotional decisions and prevent losses from mounting. A stop-loss gives you important protection for your capital.

      4) Reduce Your Risk – Diversification is an easy way to reduce your risk level when trading. A diverse portfolio might include markets from completely different sectors (example: Apple and crude oil). These markets are not correlated and therefore their success or failures are completely independent of one another.

      5) Filter Your Trades – It’s important to determine a set of criteria you can use to narrow down which markets will make good trades. MarketClub offers tools to help you do this, but you can do it yourself easily if you try. A filtering technique will help you to not take those little squiggly trades that can eat up your capital, but to just capture the big moves.

      6) Trade with the Trend - If the trend is going up, trade on the long side. If the trade is going down, then trade on the short side. Trading with the trend will put the odds are in your favor.

      7) Do Not Listen to the News - Many stories are planted by traders to affect the market. Within half an hour the news will be gone and the market will be doing something else, it’s just that simple.

      8) Don’t Listen to Your Broker - Your broker has a vested interest in putting money in his pocket and not yours. There is a conflict of interest there, so do your homework and make your own trades.

      9) Money Management - You really have to be good at managing your capital. This refers back to what we said before with diversity, stop-losses, and profit objective. All of these come under money management, which is a very important part of trading.

      10) Disciplined Trading – To me, discipline is the key element to successful trading. I’ve made this the last rule because this is the one I really want you to listen to and remember. Being disciplined is following your stops, your game plan, and to take your profits when they hit an objective.

      I hope that my Ten Golden Rules of Trading will help you and put you on the right track in the New Year. Wishing you every success in trading and in life, I’ll see you on the web.

      All the best,
      Adam Hewison
      President, INO.com
      Co-creator, MarketClub

  8. dear sir,
    first to say happy new year in advance from bharat (mrindia) for year 2010 and i seen video very much like and a request to pls send 10 trading rules for year 2010 by mail because we want to see all year image of trading rules in front of my face and then i will trade on basis thanks,

    1. Bharat,

      Please feel free to print out the rules.


      10 Golden Rules of Trading

      Hello, my name is Adam Hewison. I’ve learned a lot in my many years as a professional trader on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and also as a hedge fund manager in Switzerland. Today I want to share some of that knowledge with you in my 10 Golden Rules of Trading.

      1) Have a Game Plan - Figure out why you’re getting into the market and more importantly how to get out if you’re wrong.

      2) Follow the Game Plan - It’s amazing how many people create a game plan, but do something completely different in the emotion of the moment. The game plan grounds you and it keeps you on track about what you want to do.

      3) Use Stop-Loss - Placing a stop-loss order is another way to stop emotional decisions and prevent losses from mounting. A stop-loss gives you important protection for your capital.

      4) Reduce Your Risk – Diversification is an easy way to reduce your risk level when trading. A diverse portfolio might include markets from completely different sectors (example: Apple and crude oil). These markets are not correlated and therefore their success or failures are completely independent of one another.

      5) Filter Your Trades – It’s important to determine a set of criteria you can use to narrow down which markets will make good trades. MarketClub offers tools to help you do this, but you can do it yourself easily if you try. A filtering technique will help you to not take those little squiggly trades that can eat up your capital, but to just capture the big moves.

      6) Trade with the Trend - If the trend is going up, trade on the long side. If the trade is going down, then trade on the short side. Trading with the trend will put the odds are in your favor.

      7) Do Not Listen to the News - Many stories are planted by traders to affect the market. Within half an hour the news will be gone and the market will be doing something else, it’s just that simple.

      8) Don’t Listen to Your Broker - Your broker has a vested interest in putting money in his pocket and not yours. There is a conflict of interest there, so do your homework and make your own trades.

      9) Money Management - You really have to be good at managing your capital. This refers back to what we said before with diversity, stop-losses, and profit objective. All of these come under money management, which is a very important part of trading.

      10) Disciplined Trading – To me, discipline is the key element to successful trading. I’ve made this the last rule because this is the one I really want you to listen to and remember. Being disciplined is following your stops, your game plan, and to take your profits when they hit an objective.

      I hope that my Ten Golden Rules of Trading will help you and put you on the right track in the New Year. Wishing you every success in trading and in life, I’ll see you on the web.

      All the best,
      Adam Hewison
      President, INO.com
      Co-creator, MarketClub

  9. your help is appriciated.Mery Christmas and Happy New Year 2010.by sridhar from India-Tamil Nadu - Chennai.

  10. The one I almost forget the most and regret it: STOP-LOSS! Thank you Adam, these 10 rules are definitely the Holy Grail of trading.

  11. Hi Adam, thanks for all the support, you guys really take us to the next level, keep it up the good work!

    Happy Holliday!


  12. If one chooses to follow the MarketClub strategy of trading with the trend, for instance, buying on a weekly up triangles, when the monthly is also up, how can one set stop-losses at a level that will prevent selling before the weekly triangle points to sell (down)?

    Great site and videos.

  13. How do you detemine a Target price to get out - particularly when your in new price territory? Is deciding to get out when the price crosses below a sp;ecific moving average setting a target?

    1. John,

      Thanks for your feedback.

      Determining the a target zone or target price is not as complicated as you might think. One of the methods that I use is to look at the preceding action below or above a market and then flip it over to give a price target. You can see that on some of my earlier gold videos, before gold moved up.

      You can also measure based on pivot points tha we have talked about many times in the past. I'm sure we will be revisiting this trading concept in the very near future.

      All the best,

  14. Thanks Adam,

    I reviewed my trading plan today.
    To be sure your 10 Golden Trading Rules were included.
    I was pleased to know they were all there.


  15. Adam:

    This is a very helpful video, although I disagree with one thing that was said. I think that it is important to be mindful of the news. Fundamental analysis has it's place. I have been whipsawed out of the market on a few occasions when important economic data was released and I didn't pay attention.


  16. Hi Adam Thank you very much for your advice regarding the 10 trading rules, but there is one more thing that I wanted to ask. To be realistic what would be on 'average' a minimum amount of CAPITAL required to get the Trading going bearing in mind I like to trade no more of 5% of capital. Your help is appreciated.Merry Christmas and Happy new Year Lucio from England

    1. Lucio,

      Interesting question. The key rules apply no matter how much, or how little capital you are trading with.

      Diversification, a game plan, discipline and money management.

      That should be you deciding factor.

      All the best,

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