Short-term traders enter a long position on a Green Daily “Trade Triangle” @ $1,365.36 today. Intermediate and long-term traders remain in a long position.
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Short-term traders enter a long position on a Green Daily “Trade Triangle” @ $1,365.36 today. Intermediate and long-term traders remain in a long position.
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Gold is one of the industries with the most riveting history - but I’ve never been personally touched by it like this. With such a high risk job, that encompasses everyone in the community, it’s no wonder that such a powerful sense of solidarity binds everyone together. What a beautiful feat of human nature. Great Blog. Keep it up! God Bless:-)
11/2 prediction was correct If you own anything that goes parabolic: Sell, or put a stop at to protect your profit. SLV and GLD, have topped. This is a great short as they can drop to support----it is along way down. ZSL and DZZ, GLL are now moving up! good luck to all! TONTO ALL WAYS RIGHT !
I buy gold, and other (métaux)..uranium, platinum, so on.
But for a while i was listning to all those site, Trade, Pick of the day, etc, etc.
The last, I bought AUMY, under their was suppose to rocket the sky..
today actually at .07....I'm losing money,
but they continue their mails telling us to buy
same for an other on...especially those OTC..stock.
No more for me.
Let's encourage our mines here, especially in Quebec, all those mines North of Montreal,: Gold - diamonds...a real Klondike now....
To u who lie to us, with ur good advises, u stop that....
good luck to all of u..
i think gold rate fell very soon if the IMF start selling gold in open markeet.
when the IMF will sell the gold in open markeet? Is Will sell or not?
Yeah, silver is outperforming gold at present, demand & supply still rule.
Small mining stocks have been a good place to be this year. Only a few other sector stocks have been reliable: CROX, MIC, ARM, for example.
In bad times, investors rush to gold, platinum & silver; all the rest is too speculative. I agree, govt (and some day traders) are manipulating the market, causing an almost daily seesaw of ups and downs; not a safe place to be trying to make money.
Are you an idiot?
now gold next tgt for year 2011 $1050.. Very soon . sell gold on rise......
16 to 1 historical si - g ratio but that was based on the # of above ground
Ounces that haven't been used up and no manipulation.... today there is 5
Times as many above ground oz's of gold compared to silver... what will appreciate
More? Buy silver now!
Just a question, since I'm new to trading gold. Actually haven't done anything yet. When you say buy gold at a certain figure, are your referring to the actual (futures) commodity? Then those that don't trade the futures can translate to gold stocks and/or miners? I'm a bit confused. Thanks in advance for an explanation.
Since 6/10/2010 AAU up 233%, SHZ up 253%, SVM up 72%, NSU up 75%
Main reasons I like the smaller miners; they outshine the big guys at this time.
i have seen 35 to 1 and 70 to 1. i remember years ago, platinum was one half the price of gold. GM was holding tons of Platinum and the bottom fell out, they took the hit. mutual funds bought it and held making huge profits when the auto industry came back to buy at double the bottom. there are times the mutual funds hold bullion, but, i haven't seen that for about 30 years. its almost always in stocks. you want to buy funds when they start holding the metal. that's always a low price, and a great hold for them. It is rare. when this market decides to fall, and it will, over bought funds and ETFS will fall as well. YOU CAN'T HIDE in metals, the domino effect takes out everything. GO to yahoo and see who holds DZZ. TONTO say to masked man, time to leave Dodge, chemosabee!
Not true if you own silver, it will far exceed the loss of purchasing power.
As a gold bug for nearly 40 years, and I can tell technical analysis will not necessarily work in this particular market. It has failed many experts. It has a life of it's own that Algorithmetic formulas can't factor: emotions, world events, etc. Buy and hold incrementally is the best method for long term. There's serious talk of $5,000 gold in not too many years.
Though I am not a subscriber, my suggestion is avoid the short term triangles and stick to the long and intermediate ones. This avoids getting whips.
I also like silver-----the usual ratio of gold to silver is 16 to 1. With the devaluation of the dollar gold could easily hit $1600 per ounce and sivler then should be at $100 per ounce. I've done very well with an ETF in gold and bought an ETF in silver when it was $19.88 per ounce. With the devaluation of the dollar I think gold could easily hit $1600 and siver Hit #100.
The feds are playing the stock market to make it appear the recession is over.
But I'd bet a double dip is coming and it will not be pretty
Obama has been very successful at proving again that Keynesian economic does not and NEVER has worked.
I don't know where the top is for gold or silver is but either are safer invaestments than the stock market which is being manipulated by the feds.
The feds are trading stocks to keep the market showing some symbolemce of being healthy. I really like silver presently. The normal ratio of gold to silver is 16 to 1. so if gold goes to $1600 per ounce silver should be worth $100 per ounce.
Historical ratio is 16 to 1
went short today DZZ holding a short on silver ZSL looking for 50% return on gold and 200% on silver short. Both are over bought.
The naysayers have been wrong for 10 years, hope they have the same results for another ten! TODAY I had 5 silver and 2 gold stocks in my portfolio that hit fresh 52 week highs, lots of others up 5-8% in one day, and this is just the beginning of the blow out.
First Majestic silver, bought in 2004 @ $1.60 hit $9.43, Silvercorp bought under a dollar hit $10.87, recent purchase Great Panther Silver, bought in Feb. for .93 was @ $1.43 today. Gold stocks bought just last month are up 10-15%, wake up people, fiat paper currency investments are losing purchasing power at an accelerated rate as more phony dollars are printed.
Green triangle today, red triangle yesterday. What is it , red or green. Stop already. One should do their own homework not count on others and others charting methods. I heard yesterday throw a dart and you could not be wrong at the moment, how long that lasts is anybody's guess. Jobless claims up, nobody cares, print more money. Tomorrow maybe the same, as I sit here now the dollar is moving up, get ready for the old Friday profit taking, which has not happened for awhile now and could become the norm again.
The daily trade triangles whipsaw around terribly, as good as the site is i'm surprised they Adam doesn't change something. I've seen other software that keeps one in a trade longer with less whipsaws. Thsi and not being able to save trendlines on charts are my 2 main reasons i do not subscribe.
Anyone who trade gold with a mechanical system is stupid. Moreover, technical analysis does not work in this type of market because the moves happen so fast for the indicator to unfold properly.
Agree, but silver is doing BETTER. Look at the silver to gold ratio. On 1 September the ratio was 64:31 and today it is 54:36 each day they get closer. For my money silver is the better bet. Following is return on $1000 over past year. GLD 22.8%, GG 11%, AAPL 63.9%, AND SLW 113% Silver is the new gold, If you have a gold stock that beats that let me know please,
scott must have been blown out long ago
Judging by the number of gold alerts I keep getting, seems sensible to me not to invest short term.
haha as if you are going to buy today
Just today I've finally seen A- team, the movie.
Our good guys go after some villains who printed a coupple billion unbacked dollars.
Anybody knows where to find them, maybe we can hire 'em.;-)
even going up in CAD (HGU and HBU) which I'd much rather hold instead of US denominated!
$1,450 by Xmas ? ... Its practically ther now... I say $ 1,500...
I'm feeling a bit of whiplash with these daily triangles. So much easier to get long gold and stay long...
good for a position in short
Don't get too exited, you just compensate for the loss in purchasing power.
what does not get any better? Gold lust wont save us, maybe you,all this is irrelevant to what really is going on.There wont be any place for those on wall street in the new reality taking place.
UPDATED Comment by patprick --- ON NOVEMBER 4TH, 2010
2010-10-30 14:45:48
GOLD IS FLYING AGAIN, UP, UP & AWAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Green Triangles mean sell, and Red Mean buy. This would be the best system for Gold...