"Saturday Seminar" - A Game Plan For Investing In The 21st Century

The financial landscape has been changed forever by the widespread acceptance of the Internet. Understanding the driving principles for this new economy of the twenty-first century is a must. The invention and subsequent development of the Internet has brought new companies to trade, extended trading hours, introduced trading online, and made worldwide information instantly available. The one thing that hasn't changed is supply and demand. The same concepts that have affected the prices of produce in the supermarket for decades affect the change of stock prices on Wall Street as well.

Tom will help you develop a game plan for understanding the imbalances between supply and demand in stock prices. Tom will discuss market risk, sector rotation and individual stock selection, all using Point & Figure methodology. His straightforward, enthusiastic and always entertaining presentation will leave you with strategies for successfully managing risk in the stock market for the twenty-first century.

Tom DorseyTom Dorsey is well known in the financial community. Representing the major stock exchanges in the United States, conducting Risk Management seminars across the country for industry professionals as well as individual investors

Author of numerous articles on equity market and options analysis for such publications as; The Wall Street Journal, Barron's, Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities Magazine, and Futures Magazine.


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