Has Gold Topped Out???

What a difference a day makes. The DOW up 277 points, gold dropping 10 dollars and crude oil under pressure and falling to its lowest levels in three weeks.

We have said this before, and we will say it again ... Sentiment and Perception rule the markets.

I have prepared a short video on gold to show you why we feel it is on the defensive and why we should see some lower to sideways action before the market resumes its positive trend.

In the video I will show you precise points where I think the market will find natural support before resuming its upward trend.

There is no cost for viewing the video and I think you'll find it both educational and informative.

Enjoy the video.

Adam Hewison
President, INO.com

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5 thoughts on “Has Gold Topped Out???

  1. This video on the movements in spot gold price is very helpful and informative. I particularly like the use of the triangle based on a series of indicators which give a strong signal as to the most likely move in the market.

    In recent days there have been notable purchases in gold ETF funds and in bullion itself and with the recent earthquake announcements about Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, gold semms the natural safe-haven.

    So looking forward to the medium term, with a strong possibility of staglation in the economy and continued selling of the greenback, gold seems well placed to make its upward march towards $1,000.

  2. Hi Adam,

    I really liked your videos re crude oil and gold. Your analysis falls exactly in line with my own analysis which makes me happy.

    I have a question for you ... if one were to join The Market Club, is there any software that must be downloaded or is it web-based? In a similar vein ... can a member execute orders directly from The Market Club or does one have to have a separate trading account with a broker online or otherwise.

    One other thing, OK, maybe it's two, I'm mostly interested in the Forex and Commodities Markets is that covered by The Market Club? And, I really prefer to track markets on a weekly rather than on a daily basis; will that work with The Market Club? I like to check the markets on Friday after the close and then use the weekend to plan my moves.


    Mike, Thanks for your feedback.

    MarketClub software is web based.

    You need a broker we do not execute trades.

    We cover forex and commodities.

    MarketClub has daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly charts on over 250,00 symbols.


    P.S. You can join right here: https://secure.ino.com/products/marketclub/

  3. Adam,

    Didn't you say a few months ago that the gold rally was over? Then it hit $980 ounce again. Seems like you've changed your mind.

    - Jack


    I am a trader as is our service. The name of the game is to make money. The markets change and as a trader it is my duty to change with them.

    Every success,

  4. comments on "has gold topped out?"

    gold and silver are the only real money. gold is
    headed for $5,000 and silver for at least $200.
    to ask if gold has topped out is too stupid for
    words. it shows adam really isn't very smart about
    the markets at all and has lost touch with reality.
    we are facing the Much Greater Depression and all
    currencies are worthless paper backed by nothing.
    gold and silver are the only true value.
    roger mason, wilmington, nc


    You get no argument from me. I am a trader and as such we trade the swings in the markets. We are not a buy and hold forever kind of services. See our General Motors video. The world has indeed changed and you either change with it, or you go under.


  5. Hi Adam,

    I love your videos on gold and oil. They are clear, concise and relevant. With all the information we are bombarded with each day its great just to listen to you explain the current status of these markets.

    It would be of enormous benefit if you could agree to provide a daily video commentary on the gold and oil as you have done today.

    This would be a great value added service to your members.

    Hope you can consider.

    Vince, Australia.

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