Five Stocks To Look At Right Now

Early this morning, I was looking through MarketClub's Smart Scan tool for some stocks that I could buy. Yes, that's right... I said buy. I came across five stocks that I thought looked very interesting and these stocks met all the requirements I look for when I want to go long in the market.

These five stocks all received positive scores from the weighted set of criteria we look for from upward trending stocks. Given today's economy, it remains to be seen how successful these picks will be.

You may have watched my video, "Trading From A Desert Island." If you haven't, I sincerely recommend that you watch that video as well. The premise of the video is that market action is more important than news.

Often times the markets tells us what they want to do months before the events pan out in the news. I've discussed this many times before on our blog and I expect this to be a regular topic in the future.

Take a look at this video and I'll explain why these stocks fall into the category of upward trending stocks. I'll also explain how MarketClub can help find stocks that fit your own trading style and also have the mathematical backings to be winners. Enjoy the video.

Best regards,

Adam Hewison
Co-creator, MarketClub

6 thoughts on “Five Stocks To Look At Right Now

  1. Dear Adam,

    I'm firts week with Marketclub and tried 2 stocks Nvidia and Sun Microsystems. Bought them exacly on triangles and I'm 15% lower now, is there any possibility to get an allert from Marketclub before slide like yesterday?

    With Thanks,

    1. Lumir,

      I took a look into the two stocks that you talked about
      NVIDIA and Sun Microsystems. Here are the Trade Triangle signal points where you would've purchased both stocks.

      Sun Microsystems gave up buy signal at 5.22 and that is where it's currently trading.

      NVIDIA gave up buy signal at 9.45 and is currently trading at 8.27. This stock should be protected with a stop at 708.

      You did everything right.

      Not every signal that you receive from MarketClub is going to be a winning signal. It is too early to tell if both these stocks are going to fizzle out.

      Diversification is key to being successful in the marketplace.

      Thank you for your feedback.

      Every success,

      1. Hi Adam,

        I also have a question about Sun Microsystems. You state that Sun Microsystems gave a buy signal at 5.22. I took a look at the chart and I'm not seeing a buy signal at that price. According to the chart I'm looking at, there was a buy signal at 4.69 (on 2/4) and a sell signal today at 5.02. Am I looking at the correct chart? Also - since the stock ended the day at 5.35, is it still recommended that we sell the stock? Your response will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


        1. TJ,

          I think you may be looking at stocks differently than how we use the Trade Triangles. What I would suggest, as you are a MarketClub member is to give our customer support line a call. They can step you through the process and show you the right way to be looking at Sun Microsystems.

          Let me know how things work out.

          P.S. You can call our toll-free number at 1-800-538-7424 then just ask for customer support.

  2. Adam,
    Can't get to your video "5 stocks to look at right now".
    Page keep asking me to join. I keep signing in and it brigs me back to the advertising page. And from it it's again asking to sign in.
    This happens several times already - could you please tell your programmers to change logic - that if a person signed up they should take them directly to URL. Now, they treat members and not members the same - and you can not get to the video.
    Sorry, tired from wasting my time.

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