JPY Set For An Abrupt Move

Lior Alkalay - Contributor - Forex

Over the past few weeks, the Yen has been softer against its European peers, e.g. the Euro and the Pound Sterling, as risk appetite gradually made a comeback. Yet against its American peer, the US Dollar, trade has been rather subdued. The Dollar and Yen, the world's most sought after safe haven currencies, move generally in tandem. Because investors have had some difficulty choosing the front runner between the two, it has resulted in a sideways moving USD/JPY pair. The combination of a soft patch in the US economy and uncertainty over Japan's economic future has also made it difficult for some market movers to assess the next trajectory for the Yen. Yet, in either case, that is still a mere projection with no tangible evidence (yet) to tilt sentiment either way, in favour of the Yen or in favour of the Dollar. However, that might soon change; moreover, the reaction in the USD/JPY could be abrupt, swift and for some, devastating. Continue reading "JPY Set For An Abrupt Move"

What's Next for the Norwegian Krone?

Lior Alkalay - Contributor - Forex

In my last article, I laid out how upbeat sentiment was growing in Oil amid upbeat projections from the industry leaders, and especially from Tony Hayward, the incumbent Glencore Chairman and ex-CEO of BP. Add to that the latest soft patch in the US economy and this could mean some upside for Oil-oriented currencies. Canadian Oil is expensive to make and is oriented towards the US market where stockpiles are currently at historical highs; the Ruble is well positioned and will probably perform well but the latest news of weapons buildup by pro-Russian rebels heightens the risk of a surprise escalation and detonation that is hard to price. So what's left? The Norwegian Krone.

Norwegian Krone and Oil

Norway is Europe's biggest energy exporter, with Oil and Gas exports accounting for 52% of the country's total exports and 23% of the country's GDP. Therefore, any fluctuation in Oil prices has a substantial impact on the Norwegian economy, the outlook for rates and, of course, the Norwegian Krone. How much is the NOK correlated with Oil? As seen in the chart below by the Norges Bank (Norwegian Central Bank) the correlation is very high. In other words, the direction of Oil sets the course for the NOK. To put it simply, for the NOK to recover, Oil has to recover.

Chart courtesy of Norges Bank

What Could Favor Oil

Although there is still excess supply in the Oil market there is a marked reduction in Oil rigs across the world. In fact, the reduction in drilling was rather quick and moved pretty much in tandem with Oil prices; the Oil meltdown resulted in a reduction of -28.9% in the rotary rig count across the globe Now, once Oil prices move higher it's theoretically possible that it could ignite an opposite result and cause the rigs count to rise. Yet, until we get there, the combination of Oil prices falling sharply and quickly, a better economic outlook for Europe and general dollar softness (which tends to propel commodities higher) all support a rebound, even if only a temporary one.

Chart courtesy of WTRG Economics

Monetary Policy in Norway

Of course, another aspect to consider would be monetary policy in Norway; if rates are heading lower, then compared to the dollar the NOK would be at a disadvantage, even if rate hikes in the US are postponed. In its last meeting, though the Norges Bank tilted slightly to the dovish side, the message they offered to investors was rather mixed. They stated that inflation remained steady at around 2.5%, that there was a chance of interest rates moving lower in the future amid weakness in the economy, and finally that Norway's housing market was overheated. This mixed massage means the Norges Bank, while preparing for cutting rates amid an expected downside to the economy, might in fact save a rate cut for a later time, given that inflation is still fair and the housing market overheated. In other words, a rebound in Oil prices could signal that the Norges Bank will move to the sidelines rather than cut rates which, of course, fundamentally, would favor the NOK. In fact, the recent bottom in Norwegian 2-year sovereign bond yields may suggest that the market is beginning to warm up to that scenario. Moreover, consider that benchmark rates in Norway are 1.25% while US rates are at 0.25%; if the Fed does feel compelled to postpone its rate hike (which seems to be the case) while the Norges Bank holds steady, the rate differential, coming on the back of risk appetite and an Oil rebound, would favor the NOK.

Timing with Technicals

Of course, while fundamentals point on the direction it's the technicals that can help us with the timing. As the chart indicates, the USD/NOK was quick to react to the recovery in Brent futures and the pair slid to as low as 7.47 from 8.32 back in March. Yet, within the past few days, the pair is encountering support around 7.4-7.5 which raises the risk for a rebound to 7.83; from there, the pair could regain momentum and slide, possibly to as low as 7.25.

One Thing to Remember

Despite the chances of a broad commodity rebound and more gains for Oil on the back of a weaker dollar and fewer Oil drills globally, one must remember that the current fundamentals suggests that this process, in the grand scheme of things, is a correction after an Oil meltdown and a rapid dollar appreciation. But in the mid-term, US rate hikes are still coming and eventually dollar appreciation will return and Oil, while possibly maintaining price levels higher than $50, would find it difficult to surge beyond $85, limiting gains for the NOK in the longer term.

Chart courtesy of FXCM platform Marketscope 2.0

Look for my post next week.

Lior Alkalay Contributor - Forex

Disclosure: This article is the opinion of the contributor themselves. The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. This contributor is not receiving compensation (other than from for their opinion.

Commodities Recovery: An FX Game Changer?

Lior Alkalay - Contributor - Forex

It's been less than a week since the big chiefs of the commodities world met at the FT Commodities Global Summit in Lausanne, Switzerland, situated along the beautiful banks of Lake Geneva, yet already the markets have begun to adjust its collective expectations. So what's all the fuss about?

Quite simply, all of the commodity moguls, from Gunvor to Glencore to Vitol, all among the largest private companies in the business, have proffered one clear message and it is this: That they, nearly to a one, expect a healthy recovery in commodity prices. With all of the big shots expressing an upbeat view it becomes clear that they are acting on far more information than the rest of us, as one might surely expect, as being in the commodity business allows them ready access to more tangible and viable data. That nearly unanimous upbeat tone should be taken as a rather clear sign that we are about to see a bounce back in commodity prices. Surely, with currencies such as the Aussie, Kiwi, Loonie and the Norwegian Krone, and many more currencies beyond those, being highly sensitive to commodities prices, we are likely to see perhaps a significant impact in the FX arena.

Two Big Predictions

Although the talk at the Commodities Summit was on commodity prices, in general, it was evident that two sectors had drawn more attention than the others. Oil, naturally, because of its importance to the global economy but also Iron Ore, a key ingredient in the making of steel and one of the major commodities exported to China. Continue reading "Commodities Recovery: An FX Game Changer?"

The Brazilian Real: From Bad To Ugly

Lior Alkalay - Contributor - Forex

Over the past two years, it seems, Brazil has remained in the headlines for the very worst of reasons – corruption. In fact, the very latest scandal at Petrobras, the state owned petroleum giant, reached all the way to its upper echelon. Long gone are the days when the Brazilian government was praised for its fiscal discipline; the situation there has become so notorious that the name Brazil, it seems, has become synonymous with corruption. And as if this were not bad enough the country's main exports, which range from iron ore to agricultural goods, have tumbled in crisis. Yet, as investors, we always seem to intuitively look at the bright side of even the worst situation; in this case, we have thoughts of buying because when the situation is as bad as it is, we think, from here on out, that the situation can only get better. The Brazilian economy is basically at a standstill with a weak government at the helm, and there is one corruption scandal seemingly after another, and given the softness in commodities' prices the question that investors want an answer to is this: is the collapse in the Brazilian Real over?

A Broken Banking System

While many see corruption as the core problem in Brazil, this writer thinks the true core and the basis of the problem is, in fact, rooted in the country's banking system and at its heart, with Brazil's central bank, the Banco Central do Brasil. While reforms in the country are key for future growth it is the credibility of its central bank that is key for the Real, and as the chart below reveals, credibility is sorely lacking.

Chart courtesy of

The central bank has marked the 4.5% as the desired target for inflation. Yet the Brazilian central bank, generally amid political pressure to spur growth, has always eased policy prematurely and too aggressively. However, when it comes to tightening, the fact is the central bank doesn't apply those same standards. When in 2009 inflation peaked, rates were cut quickly, to as low as 8.75%, and left unchanged for several months. Soon after, though, inflation spiraled out of control once again, above 7%. And yet again, the Brazilian central bank was behind the curve, tightening too slowly and allowing inflation to move outside its targeted range. Once inflation slowed to 4.91% the central bank once again cut rates, this time even more aggressively than before, and the results were not pretty. As seen in the chart, inflation was soon out of control, to the extent that the latest reading on inflation hit 8.13%, once again spurred on by a central bank that hands out rate cuts much too easily. Continue reading "The Brazilian Real: From Bad To Ugly"

The Dollar Breaking Point

Lior Alkalay - Contributor - Forex

Last week, the Fed released its FOMC minutes, the protocol of the Fed's decision makers, and already it seems to have backfired. While the minutes thoroughly described how FOMC committee members have gradually shifted their projections on inflation and a lower Fed Funds Rate, comments that were supposed to gently assist in tilting the dollar lower have done the exact opposite.

FOMC Minutes Backfire

The Fed's statement contained two comments that were combined or written in such a way that investors immediately became wary of shorting the dollar. The first, was the remark on the fact that excess capacity and downward pressure in commodities was seen as winding down gradually thus keeping the Fed's long-term inflation target of 2% (or close to it) still intact. So far so good, yet the Fed also added a statement on what is holding back the possible rate hike and that is low energy prices and a strong dollar. In other words, the Fed outlined that a lower dollar would increase the chances of a rate Continue reading "The Dollar Breaking Point"