Trading Tip #12 - Have Fun

I hope that you have gained valuable insight to the markets with the "12 Days of Trading Tips" and can use some of the tips to help make 2016 your best year ever.

12 Days of Trading Tips Day 12

With that said, here's the last tip: Have fun!

Trading stocks can be complicated, intimidating at first and of course, stressful. But if you do your research and plan, it will be fun.

Have a safe and happy holiday season and a Merry Christmas.

Every success with MarketClub,
Adam Hewison
Co-Creator, MarketClub

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Trading Tip #11 - The Magic Hour

Do not buy at the market open. There is always a pop at the market open which fades away in the first hour or so.

12 Days of Trading Tips Day 11

The best time to buy a stock is about 45 minutes to an hour into the market and late in the afternoon, or as I like to call it, "Magic Hour" which is after 3 pm EST before the market closes.

On the flip side, the best time to sell is at the market open or about 1 pm EST, right after lunch.

Every success with MarketClub,
Adam Hewison
Co-Creator, MarketClub

Join MarketClub with this Special Holiday Offer.

Trading Tip #10 - Avoid The Hot Tip

Don't buy the Hot Tip.

12 Days of Trading Tips Day 10

How many times have you bought the hot tip, the next hot stock, or your friend's stock tip, only to lose all of your investment capital?

Trust me, it's happened to all of us. Remember, stick to your plan and research.

After all, you know what works for you, right?

Every success with MarketClub,
Adam Hewison
Co-Creator, MarketClub

Join MarketClub with this Special Holiday Offer.

Trading Tip #9 - Money Management

Use smart Money Management.

12 Days of Trading Tips Day 9

The biggest reason traders quit trading is from incurring huge losses due to poor money management. Use stops, they are there to help you.

There are several different stop loss strategies and they can all be quite effective. Take some time, do your research and see what type fits your trading style best.

Every success with MarketClub,
Adam Hewison
Co-Creator, MarketClub

Join MarketClub with this Special Holiday Offer.

Trading Tip #8 - Let Your Profits Run

Let your profits run.

12 Days of Trading Tips Day 8

Letting your profits run is tough mentally and often leads to traders closing out trades too early. It feels risky, but once you understand that trying to protect every penny of your profit prevents you from making a bigger profit, you will be on the road to success.

Don't sell on fear and impatience. Remember your plan.

Every success with MarketClub,
Adam Hewison
Co-Creator, MarketClub

Join MarketClub with this Special Holiday Offer.