Crude Oil: Lower Levels Ahead?

The crude oil market continues to soften and is now close to some important levels that I think we should look at. In my new video we look at what is happening in this market right now and what we expect to happen in the future.

As we have indicated in our earlier posts, we are now in the official “silly season” for trading. What I mean by that is the markets will be very thin, choppy and can be moved by a relatively small amount of money.

As always our videos are free to watch and there is no need to register.

Enjoy the video and let us know what you think on our blog.

All the best,

Adam Hewison
Co-creator, MarketClub

Let’s Take a Fresh Look at Crude Oil

Today we are looking at a January crude oil contract, but this can be any of the other contract months.

We've looked at this market before and were expecting it to go higher. It did not, however, fulfill that promise and with a red weekly “triangle” in place, it appears as though this market is heading down, but is it?

Continue reading "Let’s Take a Fresh Look at Crude Oil"

Trade the market and not the economy.

What do I mean when I say... trade the market and not the economy? It may sound like I'm saying to trade the same thing... but in many cases they're different. The difference is that the market is driven by fear and greed, while the economy is driven by fundamentals. Our "Trade Triangle" technology allows us to analyze the market... leaving the fundamentals and our own emotions at the door. Let's look at some of the major markets and see which direction the trend is headed:Crude Video

* The equity markets are still in a negative trend.

* Crude oil is still in a negative trend.

* Gold is in an erratic upward trend.

* The dollar is also in an erratic upward trend.

All of these markets are still in entrenched trends and there is no reason to suggest that they will be reversing anytime soon.

I have just finished a short video on crude oil (NYMEX:CL). This market is making moves, which I will tell you all about using the "Trade Triangle" technology which I helped to create.

We recently received a trading signal in this market which I think is an important one. You will also get a chance to see several of the previous signals that were issued. The video is definitely worth watching for that benefit alone.

Watch Video Here

The silly season which we talked about in December is rapidly coming to a close. I would expect that the volume and liquidity will return to the markets by the 15th of January. So get ready... cause there is money to be made.

Enjoy the video and by all means, give us a call at 1-800-538-7424 if you have any questions about the video.

Many thanks,

Adam Hewison

Adam Hewison
Co-creator, MarketClub