Ladies are putting down the lipstick and picking up the necessities.

Ladies are putting down the lipstick and picking up the necessities.

US consumer have been used to spending hundreds on self-gratifying purchases; things that entertain us, make us look rich and make us attractive. However, the recession has emptied the movie theaters, the BMW dealerships and the cosmetic counters.

The things we once wanted are being put on the back burner to afford the things we really need. I learned how dire times really are when Elizabeth Arden (NASDAQ:RDEN) and Estee Lauder (NYSE:EL) came out with their sales and earnings forecast last Friday.

Watch my new video here:

Take a look at this video of Estee Lauder and see where we got short this stock using our "Trade Triangle" technology. What's nice about this technology is that it can use previous market action to help you get in and ride the trend (to profit from news and earnings). How valuable would that type of information be to you?

Every success in the markets,

Adam Hewison
Co-creator, MarketClub