Forex Expert Advisors....choosing the right one(s)

Today's post attempts to answer a question that has become very popular to choose an expert advisor. The popularity of Forex EA's is growing by the day and we asked Nick from Forex Monster to give us a heads up on what to look for when choosing an Expert Advisor. Please feel free to ask Nick any questions in the comments, or leave a comment about your OWN experience with a Forex EA.
If you have any interest in trading Forex, then you've no doubt come across a staggering number of Expert Advisor's also known as EA's for short or “robots” due to the way they auto trade, meaning they place the trades for you. All you do is simply turn on your computer and that's the end of your involvement.

We get emails from people everyday asking us “which Expert Advisor should I use”. This question is a complicated one to answer in one or two sentences so we thought we'd take the time to give a  more detailed explanation and hopefully give some tips on to decide whats right for you.

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