The Currency Exchange Trap In Trading Global Markets

Dean Whittingham created A Traders Universe - Trading System Development in 2005 as a resource site for traders of all levels, with education, courses, brokers, tips, free videos, newsletters, trading systems, simulations and a free 7 step process for building a profitable stock, futures or forex trading system.  Read how Dean illustrates how the change in currency exchange rates effect the overall performance of any overseas trade on your financial statement.


Picture this: you live outside the US, let’s say Australia, you think the price of Oil is going to appreciate over the next month or two. Your options are to buy the commodity through the futures markets, buy a CFD, or buy an ‘oil’ based ETF. Either way, you will be buying an oil based asset and in which currency? The US dollar.

What happens? Well the price of Oil appreciates, and low and behold, so too does your purchase (whichever that may be), in fact it appreciates 20% over two months. Nice! Then something strikes you. You look at your financial statement only to be reminded that your sale price has been converted back to Australian dollars; naturally, this is where you live and so too does your broker. Continue reading "The Currency Exchange Trap In Trading Global Markets"

One of the biggest mistakes we see ...

One of the biggest mistakes we see with traders and investors is this:

They have no game-plan.

This is one of the most, if not the most important element in trading and you should not be trading without one.

When you have a game plan, it allows you to get in and out of the market in a non-emotional way.

So often we see traders jump into markets based on emotion, investment show ideas, or rumors. This is the worst possible way to trade and the quickest way to lose money.

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How To Take Advantage of Price Momentum

Today's guest is Chris Vermeulen, but most people know him as simply, "The Gold And Oil Guy". Chris has been trading for over 10 years, fine tuning his trading strategy year after year and continually improving timing, entry and exit points as the market evolves. Chris's latest strategy allows him to take advantage of intraday price action without even looking at intraday charts! I thought this was an interesting concept and wanted to share it on the Trader's Blog. Be sure to comment with your thoughts and visit Chris at


Most traders just don’t have the time to track the market on an intraday basis. Crazy thing is, I found a way that takes advantage of the intraday price action while never needing to look at a single intraday chart. Now we can swing trade using the daily charts but get the added performance of watching the intraday chart price action. What also makes this strategy exciting is that it works with virtually any time frame, though each time frame and investment vehicle will require its own custom settings in order to track properly.

I call this strategy a Momentum Trend Crossover. It’s based on 2 moving averages that use intraday, day, or intra-bar price action to calculate its value. Also, a Donchian channel to track recent highs/lows for protective stop placement.

Below are three charts showing how it looks and works. Continue reading "How To Take Advantage of Price Momentum"

Becoming a Full Time Trader (an Introduction)

Many of you know about Norman Hallett from, and if you don't you should! Today I've asked Norman to bring us some of his wisdom and insight when it comes to being a full time trader. Norman's been a full time trader, then managed a room of full time traders, so he knows what it takes to be one...and be a successful one! Please enjoy his article today and visit for a special free copy of his book "Taming Risk", enjoy the article.


People fantasize about what it must be like to be a full-time trader. The picture is of a relaxed person sitting in a lounge chair on the foredeck of an expensive yacht docked in Newport Beach or somewhere in the Mediterranean. Armed with a laptop, a cell phone and a large pitcher of rum and chilled grapefruit, the trader (who looks remarkably like a buffed version of you) scans a graph that pops up on the screen. The trader then activates the cell phone and places an order. The cell phone is snapped shut followed by the laptop. The trader stands up, stretches and dives off the side of the yacht into clear warm water. Come to think of it, the yacht is in anchored in a beautiful inlet off Tortola. The water is warmer there.

The implications are clear: easy money, independence and unlimited wealth.

Continue reading "Becoming a Full Time Trader (an Introduction)"

How To Spot Big Trends?

Every trader and investor I know would love to buy at the bottom and sell at the top. The reality is that this is not a winning solution, nor is it possible to do this on a consistent basis.

What we look for at MarketClub is to catch the sweet spot of the trend. The sweet spot is the 70% to 80% that's in the middle of a trend.

I've been in this business a long time and know enough people in the industry to know that nobody buys the bottom and sells at the top. If they tell you that's what they do on a consistent basis, run a country mile because they are exaggerating their capabilities.

Continue reading "How To Spot Big Trends?"