Do You Understand How Divergences Work in the Market?

In my new short video, I share with you some divergences that are taking place in the S&P 500 right now.

I'm also going to show you divergences that didn't work out, what you should look for, and how you should act when a divergence does not work.

As always, our videos are available to view without charge and without registration. All we ask is that you give us your feedback on our blog.

If you enjoy these videos, share them with your friends. I am sure they will find them different and at the same time educational.

All the best,

Adam Hewison
President of
Co-creator of

Putting Theory into Practice (2 Classic Teaching Videos)

First we show you the theory ...

Now see the theory put into practice

When you learn how the markets really work you will automatically benefit from this pattern in the future.

Adam Hewison