Portfolio Efficiency
The returns an investor receives can be measured in many ways, using a number of techniques that describe the efficiency of a portfolio. Generating profitable returns is one aspect that is key to success, but the costs associated with generating those returns is an aspect of market analysis that sometime goes unnoticed. For many investors, risk adjusted returns are extremely important as excessive volatility in a portfolio can be considered problematic, which might mitigate the attractiveness of the portfolio.
In addition to strong risk management techniques, which for many traders are the use of Binary Options which have a predetermined risk reward ratio, traders need to consider the extent of the volatility associated with a specific strategy which can be evaluated by using a number of statistical metric which can help determine robustness of the risk-adjusted returns. Some of the more well-known statistical ratios are; the Sharpe Ratio, and the Information-ratio. Each of these ratios supplies an investor with a benchmark to judge the risk-adjusted returns of their portfolio. Continue reading "Applying Portfolio Efficiency, Ratio Segmentation and Management to Trading"