Trader's Blog Contest For November

Isn't it hard to sit back and let someone else manage your money? If you are going take a loss wouldn't you rather it be your fault opposed to your broker?

Have you had an experience where you were talked into a overpriced mutual fund, paid an over inflated commission fee or been caught in a "churning cycle" where your broker is cashing in commission on pointless trades? What was your worst experience with a money manager or full service broker? I'm sure we have plenty of horror stories, so why not vent, share and win.

So the question is…

“What is your worst broker experience?”


Winner will receive 6 workshops on trader psychology from our authors in INO TV. These MP3s and digital PDF workbooks will be mailed to you courtesy of INO TV.

Slump Busting Techniques -Linda Raschke
How You Can Be Right When The Crowd Losses – Jake Bernstien
New Samuri Secrets for Trading: Motivation & Focus – Richard McCall
The Wyckoff Method – Using Principals of Mass Psychology – Hank Pruden
Developing the Psychological Edge to Maximize Your Trading – Robin Dayne
The Dynamics of a Trader's Mindset – Mark Douglas

How To Enter:

Comment on this post telling us about your worst broker experience. There are no wrong answers. We just want to you to share your thoughts and stories with our other visitors.


1. This contest is open until 11:59 PM on November 30th.

2. No wrong answers, any participation counts as an entry.

3. One entry per email address.

4. Winner will be picked by random integer software.

5. Winner will be contacted on Monday, December 1st via email.

Good luck!

How Is A Great Trader Made? Nature vs. Nurture

I have often talked to our TradersBlog visitors about one of my favorite authors, Linda Raschke. However, I just finished watching a seminar by a gentleman that was in an experimental trading group. I was so interested in the idea of this experiment that I had to watch the whole thing.

In the early 80s, two men were in a debate about how great traders are made. Is it nature or nurture? Are great traders born with a natural intuition for economics, human psychology and self-discipline, or are great traders a product of intense education and practice? Out of this question emerged an experimental trading group called the "Turtles". These people, with little to no trading experience were put through a vigorous training in trend following and then were provided funded accounts.

Out of this experimental group, Russell Sands was one of the first trainees. In this INO TV presentation, "I Am A Turtle," Sands shares the lessons and methodologies that his professional trainers taught him. Sands was just one of the trainees that within a four year period aggregated a sum of over $100 million dollars.

It's a great seminar and I hope you check it out. Send me any feedback you may have and stay tuned to INO TV for our next set of complimentary videos.


Lindsay Thompson
Director of New Business Development