Trade With Jim Cramer With New ETF

Anyone who regularly watches or has only seen Jim Cramer’s TV show “Mad Money” even just once notices that the former fund manager, now a TV personality, makes a ton of stock recommendations while on air.

So many that it is hard to keep up with what companies he likes and which ones he would sell.

Luckily, you will now never have to worry about trying to keep track of his stock picks while he is on air. Two new Exchange Traded Funds will keep track of his stock picks for you and not only keep track of them but give you an accessible, one-stop investment vehicle you can use to follow his advice.

The Tuttle Long Cramer Tracker ETF (LJIM) buys stocks that Jim Cramer tells his viewers on “Mad Money” that he likes. The fund managers also follow Jim on Twitter, so if he tweets that he is optimistic about a stock, the fund can also track those picks. Furthermore, LJIM will also short stocks that Cramer expresses a negative opinion on.

LJIM began trading on March 2nd of, 2023, with an expense ratio of 1.2%. The fund already has over $254 million in assets. The top ten holdings represent 31% of the fund.

However, the fund prospectus explains that LJIM will have a portfolio of between 20 to 50 stocks.

Therefore, the heavy concentration will likely always be present with LJIM. Finally, the balance between each stock held is very close, with most holdings representing just slightly above or below the 3% mark.

The fund holds a very diverse group of stocks. The largest sector is technology, with 18% of assets. Then electronic technology makes up 14.78% of assets. Health technology, consumer services, and finance round out the top five sectors in LJIM.

LJIM is a worthy investment if you are a disciple of Jim Cramer and want to own the stocks he recommends to TV viewers and social media followers. Continue reading "Trade With Jim Cramer With New ETF"

Mad Money vs Trade Triangles ... which is better for you?

Every once in a while, I like to flip the TV channels and watch Jim Cramer on CNBC. It's not that I think that Jim Cramer is a spectacular trader, I just think he is a talented and amusing guy. The last time I tuned on the tube, CNBC's Jim Cramer was naming his top five picks to get you through these recessionary times.

So with pencil in hand, I quickly scribbled down his top five stock picks on a piece of paper and shoved it into my pocket. I actually forgot about Mr. Cramer's picks until today when I found this crumpled piece of paper with my handwriting on it. This paper listed the five stocks that Mr. Cramer picked on the close of business on January 8.

Read more here and stay on the blog:

So here are Mr Cramer's top 5 picks and where they closed on 1/08/09:

Adam Hewison

Co-creator, MarketClub