Don't Get Ruined by These 10 Popular Investment Myths (Part IX)

Interest rates, oil prices, earnings, GDP, wars, peace, terrorism, inflation, monetary policy, etc. -- NONE have a reliable effect on the stock market

By Elliott Wave International

You may remember that after the 2008-2009 crash, many called into question traditional economic models. Why did they fail?

And more importantly, will they warn us of a new approaching doomsday, should there be one?

This series gives you a well-researched answer. Here is Part IX; come back soon for Part X.

Myth #9: Inflation makes gold and silver go up.

By Robert Prechter (excerpted from the monthly Elliott Wave Theorist; published since 1979)

This one seems like a no-brainer. The government or the central bank prints more bonds, notes and bills, and prices for things go up in response. Gold is real money, so it must fluctuate along with the inflation rate.

Once again, it doesn't happen that way. Let's examine the history of inflation and the precious metals since the low of the Great Depression.

Inflation occurred relentlessly from 1933 to 1970, yet gold and silver remained unchanged over the entire time. True, the government fixed the price. But markets are more powerful than any government, and if the market had wanted precious metals prices higher, it would have made them go higher. Continue reading "Don't Get Ruined by These 10 Popular Investment Myths (Part IX)"

Don't Get Ruined by These 10 Popular Investment Myths (Part II)

Interest rates, oil prices, earnings, GDP, wars, terrorist attacks, inflation, monetary policy, etc. -- NONE have a reliable effect on the stock market

By: Elliott Wave International

You may remember that during the 2008-2009 financial crisis, many called into question traditional economic models. Why did the traditional financial models fail?

And more importantly, will they warn us of a new approaching doomsday, should there be one?

That's a crucial question to your financial well-being. This series gives you a well-researched answer.

Here is Part II; come back soon for Part III. Continue reading "Don't Get Ruined by These 10 Popular Investment Myths (Part II)"

What The Syrian Crisis Means For Oil Prices

By: David Goodboy of Street Authority

For a brief time in 1991, there was no question that I was going to earn a fortune.

By making a few lucky stock and option trades, I had accumulated a modest sum of trading capital in my brokerage account. Knowing that the United States was about to invade Iraq, I had no doubts that the markets would plunge as fears of Iraq's weapons and military capacity reached a fever pitch around the globe.

I decided to short the market with all of my meager funds. Knowing that the U.S. would invade any day, buying put options on the SP 100 index provided the most return for when the market plunged. As fate would have it, my timing on the invasion was dead on -- the U.S. launched the first airstrike the day after I purchased the put options. Continue reading "What The Syrian Crisis Means For Oil Prices"

Poll: Black gold, Texas tea... whatever you call it, how high will it go in the next 3 months?

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Penny Stocks are an Essential Element for Traders

Due to the recent and unfortunate oil spill in the Gulf, many of us are seeing the effect on the stock market and wondering what the future may hold. C. Thornton makes reference to this hot topic, providing an example for a momentum trading strategy. He offers other intriguing strategies in regards to penny stocks that you will find in this article. If you like what you read, be sure to check him out further at Buy Sell Short


Penny stocks have long carried the mantra of the ugly step child when it comes to trading stocks on Wall Street, mostly because of the shenanigans prevalent in the OTC/BB market. However, traders that turn a blind eye towards small cap penny stocks are missing out on a great profit-generating sector of the market, a segment of the market that tends to outperform its large cap brethren in the early stages of an economic recovery, much like the one we are in the midst of right now. Continue reading "Penny Stocks are an Essential Element for Traders"