Ladies are putting down the lipstick and picking up the necessities.

Ladies are putting down the lipstick and picking up the necessities.

US consumer have been used to spending hundreds on self-gratifying purchases; things that entertain us, make us look rich and make us attractive. However, the recession has emptied the movie theaters, the BMW dealerships and the cosmetic counters.

The things we once wanted are being put on the back burner to afford the things we really need. I learned how dire times really are when Elizabeth Arden (NASDAQ:RDEN) and Estee Lauder (NYSE:EL) came out with their sales and earnings forecast last Friday.

Watch my new video here:

Take a look at this video of Estee Lauder and see where we got short this stock using our "Trade Triangle" technology. What's nice about this technology is that it can use previous market action to help you get in and ride the trend (to profit from news and earnings). How valuable would that type of information be to you?

Every success in the markets,

Adam Hewison
Co-creator, MarketClub

Trading eBay... Sure Beats Selling Your Stuff.

EbayWe've all heard about eBay (NASDAQ: EBAY), the internet auction site. But, did you know that eBay is a really great stock to trade?

In my new eBay video, I will show how to make money trading in this stock, and how it has produced stellar Ebay Moviereturns in the past 12 months for members following MarketClub's "Trade Triangle" signals.

The video is about eight minutes long and you'll see step by step every signal we took to produce some mighty good returns.

Now you may have bought items on eBay, or you may have sold items there... but you can make money on eBay by just trading it.

Watch Video By Clicking Here

My new video shows all, is available now, and you can watch it for free. I think you'll be amazed at the opportunities that eBay presents on a regular basis.

Enjoy the video,

Adam Hewison
Co-creator, MarketClub