Markets Down More Than 8% To Start 2016! What You Should Do Now

Matt Thalman - Contributor - ETFs

Buy! Buy! Buy!

We have all heard the saying, buy low, sell high, which is an easier to understand saying than Warren Buffett's famous quote, "Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful."

With the major US indexes all down more than 8% to start 2016, it would appear this is the time to follow the above-mentioned advice. Stock prices in general, based on the major indexes are 8% cheaper than they were just half a month ago, hence, buying today is buying low. Buffett's advice follows that idea and tells us to be greedy when others are fearful. The market is moving lower, indicating that the majority of investors are fearful of where stock prices will be in the future. If we follow Buffett's advice, this is a good time to be greedy.

I know what you are thinking, can't prices go lower from where they are today, giving you an even better opportunity to 'buy low' in the future. Yes, that obviously could happen. Continue reading "Markets Down More Than 8% To Start 2016! What You Should Do Now"

This Stock Could Be The Right Flavor For Your Portfolio This Year

Daniel Cross - Contributor - Equities

After a disappointing 2015 for the stock market in general with the S&P 500 ending basically flat, investors will need to exercise extra care when selecting solid companies for this year. One way to make sure your stock picks are high quality is to follow those that performed well in an otherwise apathetic market.

When macroeconomic fundamentals aren't giving off a positive vibe, investors need to focus on microeconomics – individual companies and their strengths. Certain sectors of the market actually enjoyed a very successful year last year but got overshadowed by the malaise seen in the markets as a whole. Continue reading "This Stock Could Be The Right Flavor For Your Portfolio This Year"

3 Reasons Why This Week Could Be A Game Changer

Hello everyone, welcome to the beginning of a new trading week and what could be a game-changing week for the markets.

What stood out to me last week was the massive rally on Friday with the jobs numbers that were perceived to be better than expected. If that were not enough over the weekend, we had interest rates cut in China, with stocks over there rallying to the best levels in two weeks.

Here are the three reasons why I think stocks have the potential to go higher. Continue reading "3 Reasons Why This Week Could Be A Game Changer"

Do you know how your trading is taxed?

By: Traders Accounting

Traders spend a lot of time and money learning their trade. They take courses to learn how to make money in the market and realize their dreams of working for themselves. While traders try to learn about every aspect of their trading strategies they often overlook one important area. This frequently overlooked area is one which can cost a trader a significant amount of their hard earned profits.  If you have not guessed it yet we are referring to taxes. Many traders don’t fully understand how their trading activities will be taxed until they have received their tax bill and it is too late. This article will supplement your trading education by explaining the tax treatment of many commonly traded instruments.

Stocks, Stock Options, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), and Options on ETFs: Continue reading "Do you know how your trading is taxed?"

It's hard to believe that summer is unofficially over and how an historic swim by a persistent 64 year old lifted my spirits.

It's hard to believe that summer is unofficially over and how an historic swim by a persistent 64 year old lifted my spirits.

I flew up to my summer home in Maine to enjoy the end of summer and spend a few days relaxing and thinking about everything that's going on. Sometimes it helps to get away and look at things from a different perspective; that's what I'm doing right now.

That's why I feel I have to share my feeling that so much is not right with the world today. Everywhere I turn, it seems that we have so many potentially conflicting problems, none of which can be easily solved and certainly not without pain. Continue reading "It's hard to believe that summer is unofficially over and how an historic swim by a persistent 64 year old lifted my spirits."