The One Market Truth You Need To Know

There's no question about it, the markets are a little jittery right now. With the S&P down almost 6% from its September highs, people are beginning to ask themselves, "is this the big one?"

Here is the one market truth you need to know:
No one knows for sure what's going to happen, except the market itself.

The market determines prices and when you are investing, how the market closes directly effects your bottom line. Whether you are in business or in the business of investing, the bottom line is what everyone looks at. You invest or trade to make money and how a market closes determines how much money you're making or losing at that particular point in time.

You can watch all the economists, all the talking heads, read all the blogs you want and you'll come away with 100 different views about what's going to happen to the market.

The only voice you really need to pay attention to is the voice of the market. The market itself tells you what it's going to do if you listen carefully. If you been following this blog for any length of time, you know that I have been out of market and on the sidelines since about the middle of September. If you take a look at Gold (FOREX:XAUUSDO), I have been either short or out of the market since July 13th. It is pretty much the same picture with Crude Oil (NYMEX:CL.Z14.E), where I have been either short this market on the sidelines since early July, with the exception of one fake out in late September.

Let the market tell you what it wants to do, rather than guessing or trying to pick a top or bottom.

In today's video, I will be listening to all the major markets. I am also going to share with you how the market actually talks, you won't want to miss that.

Every success,
Adam Hewison
Co-Creator, MarketClub