Traders WhiteBoard Lesson 2

In today's Traders WhiteBoard Lesson 2, I'm going to share with you two of my all time favorite chart setups.

I get so excited when I see these formations taking place in the markets. Both of these chart setups have been recurring for years and can take place in stocks, futures, metals, Forex, and yes even ETFs. The video runs a little bit longer than our first Traders WhiteBoard, but I am confident when you see the theory and the real world examples, you will agree it was well worth your time.

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Put the power of the Trade Triangles to work for you

Every success using these two setups,
Adam Hewison
Co-Creator, MarketClub

An Invaluable Trading Tool That I Learned 30 Years Ago

Hello traders everywhere, Adam Hewison here, coming to you from the digital studios of MarketClub. Today I want to share with you a trading tool that I learned a long time ago when I was member of the exchange and trading in the pits of Chicago.

It was there amongst all the hustle and bustle, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with some of the most successful traders in the world, that I learned one of the most important tools in trading. I have never forgotten this tool and in fact, I still use this tool everyday when I'm researching a potential trade.

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As computers get more and more sophisticated and are able to spit out trading algorithms faster than you can blink an eye, this simple tool continues to stand alone as a universal market truth. Little did I realize that this simple tool would prove to be so valuable.

So let's get started with this same tool that I have been using now for the past 30 years. I will also share with you one of the core secrets that most traders miss when they use this powerful trading tool.

It's a short lesson that visually illustrates when and how you should use this successful trading tool.

Every success and thanks for watching the video.

Adam Hewison
Co-Creator, MarketClub

Traders WhiteBoard Lesson 1

Welcome to the New Traders WhiteBoard series. Each week, Adam Hewison will be sharing his favorite trading techniques with you.

Today's lesson will teach you a powerful, easy to use trading technique that will make you money.

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So what are you waiting for? Let's get started right away!

Traders Whiteboard Lesson 6

In today's trading lesson, the sixth in the "TRADERS WHITEBOARD" series, we will be looking at what I call the "irrefutable laws of the marketplace." I consider this lesson to be one of the most important, as it effects all markets.

We only have to look at the recent history of Apple or Netflix to see how these "irrefutable laws" work in the marketplace. After watching this video, you will understand how sentiment can dramatically change in an instant and come away with a greater understanding of why Apple and Netflix had such dramatic moves.

This is the essence of how all the markets move and important for you to learn, so you will know what to do next time.

Watch Traders Whiteboard Lesson 6 Here.

Enjoy today's lesson,

Traders WhiteBoard Lesson 5

Every trader needs one. Do you know what it is?

Many times it can mean the difference between success and failure in the market.

This simple concept is probably the easiest to understand, but one of the hardest to follow. I think you'll quickly grasp what I mean by that statement when you watch today's Traders Whiteboard Lesson 5..

Incorporating this one key element into your own trading can make you even more successful in your investments.

Adam Hewison
Founder and President of and Co-Founder of