How To Profit From Natural Gas's Monster Uptrend

By: David Goodboy of

I love finding stealth rallies in the financial markets. These under-the-radar moves higher are ignored by the financial media and therefore by most investors.

Stealth rallies occur for any number of reasons. Primarily, these types of upward moves happen in commodities or stocks that have been beaten down for so long that the public simply loses interest in them.

A stealth rally starts by attracting the attention of only the most die-hard followers. These early investors quietly pocket huge gains while the rest of the investment community is chasing the latest hot stocks or futures.

Right now, a stealth rally is taking place in a commodity that has not been in the headlines for a while. Once a darling of the financial media, this commodity has been beaten down so severely it is rarely mentioned in the daily financial press. After being hailed as the savior of the United States' energy future, this commodity quickly became over-produced. It may have succeeded in revitalizing U.S. energy, but its price continued to plunge lower as the years passed.

In case you haven't guessed it, I am referencing natural gas. The widespread use of fracking created an oversupply of the commodity, resulting in a price plunge.

Recently, however, things have changed. Natural gas is in the middle of a monster upward rally and it's not too late to jump on board.

Allow me to explain. Continue reading "How To Profit From Natural Gas's Monster Uptrend"

6 Stocks On The Move

Before I get into the six stocks and talk about them let's quickly discuss what's happening right now. The big news, of course, is the Alibaba IPO, here is what I do with IPO's. Unless you're lucky enough to get some of the initial stock the best thing to do is just to watch for a while and see how everything pans out. Just remember that perception is a strong driver of stock trends.

The other big news is the fact that Larry Ellison is stepping down from Oracle. Mr. Allison's exit from Oracle brings about a complete change in Silicon Valley. We no longer have Steve Jobs at Apple, Bill Gates at Microsoft. We're going to see some interesting transitions in all of these companies.

As far as Oracle Corporation (NYSE:ORCL) is concerned. The Trade Triangles are now all red indicating a lower trend and prices for Oracle.

The six stocks I'm going to be talking about in today's video will show that three are trending to the upside, and three are trending to the downside. Some of these stocks are setting up for the perfect weekend trade.

Here are the six stocks that I'm covering today: Continue reading "6 Stocks On The Move"