10 Steps to Smart Trading

Time and again on this blog, Adam has emphasized the need for a game plan (a.k.a.trading plan), but how many traders actually have a written trading plan?

Price Headley of Big Trends would like to share his list of trading plan essentials which lead to profitable trading in general. Comment and let us know what you think goes into a successful trading plan and be sure to visit Price at BigTrends.com


You need to be able to answer one simple question when trading…

Could another trader execute my trading strategies if I gave them a copy of my trading plan?

If not, then you absolutely should stop trading right now until you can answer the 10 questions below.

Why you might ask?  By taking the time to write down your plan, you put yourself in the top 3% of individuals who have written goals and plans, giving you an immediate edge. Continue reading "10 Steps to Smart Trading"