"Political, Economic Potholes Along the Yellow Brick Road"

MarketWatch has a piece today on the recent headline making noise out of the GOP about a return to the gold standard.

GOP's Gold Standard Idea Isn't Likely to Shine

"The gold standard, it is argued, would foster economic stability and prosperity, primarily by creating price stability, fixed exchange rates and placing limits government deficit spending as well as trade imbalances. It would also limit credit-driven boom/bust cycles through constraints on the supply of money."

Yes, absolutely.

"Opponents argue that the gold standard would limit the flexibility of governments and central banks in managing economies, restricting the ability to adjust money supply, government budgets and exchange rates. Opponents also point to the inflexibility of the gold standard, which may have contributed to the severity and length of the Great Depression." Continue reading ""Political, Economic Potholes Along the Yellow Brick Road""