FOREX: How to analyze the Australian Dollar (new video)

Today we are going down under to analyze the Australian dollar.

Many traders look at the Australian dollar (AUD) and the Canadian dollar (CAD) as commodity plays. Both countries are rich in natural resources and that seems to be a key element to the recent moves in both of these currencies.

Today we are going to look at the technical aspect of the Australian dollar. This market not only charts very well, but it responds very well to technical signals. In this short video, I will explain in detail my reasoning for wanting to be in this market. I will give you some specific Aussie dollar objectives and also some places to protect capital.

As always, the videos are free to watch and there's no need to register. I would love to get your feedback about this video and your own predictions about this market on our blog.

All the best,

Adam Hewison
Co-creator, MarketClub

2 thoughts on “FOREX: How to analyze the Australian Dollar (new video)

  1. I wonder trade triangle is of practical use. I can't sit at the computer 24/7. I don't know when the trade triangle will come up. The trade triangle might come up while I am sleeping...For example, for Euro, the opening session carrying most actions is around 2 AM U.S. eastern time. If a trade alert is generated at that time or at 3:30 AM, how can I execute the trade in the morning at U.S. time? The Euro might have a huge run already. Same for other commodities...

    When the signal is generated, the market might run up or down so quickly that the entry price by trade triangle is an impossible price to be filled...Please advise.

    1. Dear Wman001,

      I completely understand that when watching a market like forex, which trades practically non-stop... keeping an eye for the Trade Triangles would be a daunting task. However, our Alert feature can help you get an edge when the Trade Triangles are issued. Please see this link as it explains how to set your alerts.

      Also, I wouldn't be upset that you can not get your trade filled and the price at which is issued with the Trade Triangle. The price listed is the price at which the signal was triggered. Ideally you would want to get in as close as you can to that price, but don't consider it an exact fill price, but more or less the price that triggered the trend to change.

      If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact our support team at 1.800.538.7424.


      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development & MarketClub

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