A conundrum wrapped in an enigma... that's the S&P 500 index. New Video

I was just looking at the S&P 500 index as we come to a close for the week of June 6th. While the market appears to be higher for week, it also appears that we're losing momentum on the upside.

This can be seen in the second attempt to close over the 950 level. Also some of our momentum indicators are showing negative divergences. This means that while the S&P 500 is making new highs for the move, the momentum indicators are not showing the same configuration and making new highs. This can often be the first clue of a potential market correction.

In this short video on the S&P 500, you'll will see exactly what I'm looking at and why.

The video is free to watch and there is no need to register. I would love to get your feedback about this video and your own predictions about these markets on our blog.

All the best,

Adam Hewison
President, INO.com
Co-creator, MarketClub

18 thoughts on “A conundrum wrapped in an enigma... that's the S&P 500 index. New Video

  1. Well there you have it!

    Please add those markets (CAC, DAX, AEX, MIB, IBEX, PSI). You’ll be surprised with new members signing in.
    Best Regards

    There is demand, look here, another request.

    What happens is when people visit your site, they look for there indexes, like DAX, AEX and so on from Europe. And I did that too a half year ago and just went away because these were not available.

    But there is a whole place called Europe that is interested in these indexes and that are about 200 till 300 people living there. It is always expanding, so more potential customers.

    All is ok now and all my emails have been replied to. First I tried via your email, after that I tried to post via this forum to get the word out!!

    So thanks for your help

  2. Lindsay Thompson said:

    "- Where are the European indices like the AEX, DAX, CAC
    *We will be expanding our quote offerings, but we will be adding quotes depending on demand. The European indices and stocks are not in high demand according to the feedback we have received, so as far as I know, we do not have plans to add these. "

    You have not big demand for european markets because when search market club we see that those markets aren't available. If they were you bet you'd have a huge amount of european investors signing to Market Club.

    I've became very interested in signing in, but I gave up when I saw that the european markets weren't available. Most of my trades are in the euopean markets to prevent bad surprises concerning currency flutuations.

    There are thousands of other investors here in europe in the same situation.

    Please had those markets (CAC, DAX, AEX, MIB, IBEX, PSI). You'll be surprised with new members signing in.

    Best Regards


  3. Hello

    I have a question about support. I recently joined and asked a few questions about market club. And no answer yet?

    I read here the promise.
    >>MarketClub Wouldn't it be nice in this technology-driven world to be able to pick up the phone and easily talk to another human being when you have a problem? Well that's our #1 MarketClub promise to you. We have a friendly, trained support staff ready to answer any questions you may have about our service. However, MarketClub is so easy to use that we doubt that you will be calling us... but isn't it nice to know you can. Telephone support is available Monday-Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm ET. Email support is available with a turn-around time of less than 24 hours.>>

    But I have one month to try it out.

    And I also gave some suggestions to improve market club like (these are not so difficult to implement, I program websites myself):
    - Please add the feature to make more then one portfolio
    This is good to add all the advice someone gets in one portfolio
    Or for a different market you are interested in

    - Also add a feature to show only the daily, weekly or monthly triangles for your own portfolio. So you can zoom in on the stocks,... of your choose. Instead of looking through a lot of stocks that you are not interested in

    - Also improve the smart scan - recent trade triangles
    so I can also scan in a market (lets say Canada) or my portfolio or all. Now only all markets is possible.
    That is more work since I am interested in specific stocks, or markets,...

    - Where are the European indices like the AEX, DAX, CAC, that really would be a great improvement. And also a lot more European users I believe. When will these be added.

    I hope you can further improve market club

    best regards

    1. Dear Jan,

      Please let me know how you tried to contact our support team. Was it through phone, voicemail, or email? You read our promise correctly. We attempt to have a support team that responds to every email, phone call, or postal write-in.

      As for your suggestions for MarketClub. We take our member's suggestions very seriously. We try to modify our tools based on the suggestions given. Although we can not accommodate the requests of every member, we do our best.

      I think that your suggestions are great and I'd like to let you know of the status of some. I can not give you a time frame for any additions or changes.

      - Please add the feature to make more then one portfolio
      *Our technical director is working with programmers to create an advanced portfolio feature which I believe will allow you to put in dividers to create multiple portfolios.

      - Also add a feature to show only the daily, weekly or monthly triangles for your own portfolio.
      *I believe a feature like this will be added to the portfolio mentioned above.

      - Also improve the smart scan - recent trade triangles
      *I will pass this suggestion to the tech team.

      - Where are the European indices like the AEX, DAX, CAC
      *We will be expanding our quote offerings, but we will be adding quotes depending on demand. The European indices and stocks are not in high demand according to the feedback we have received, so as far as I know, we do not have plans to add these.

      I also had the customer team search for correspondence from you. They could not find the email you used for this post, but they did send me all the records for Jan. They responded within 2 hours of your 1st email, and the 2nd and 3rd are still within the 24 hour time window. Please keep in mind we have thousands of members and we try to give individual attention to all. We need at least 24 hours to respond to emails, especially when we are receiving multiple emails from an individual customer.

      Thanks and please don't hesitate to contact me or call our support team at 1.800.538.7424.


      Lindsay Thompson
      Director of New Business Development
      INO.com & MarketClub

  4. JC,

    Thank you for your kind comments. While the markets are sometimes correlated and seem to move in tandem sometimes they de-couple and move on there own basic fundamentals.

    To answer your question about crude oil you may like to look at this video I did some time ago about $80 crude oil. It was meant to show the effect high price oil could have on the US economy.

    Here is the link:http://broadcast.ino.com/education/survive_80_oil/

    All the best,

  5. Adam, I really enjoy your down to earth presentations. I look forward to more videos from you.
    If DJI and INX go down by a few tens of % over the next month or so, how is it going to affect the crude oil price??? Can I hear your opinion on this?? Thanks.

  6. I hope I'm not duplicating my post, but my original doesn't seem to have been posted.
    In watching the video on the S&P 500, you refer to the green weekly triangle in March 2009 as a signal to cover shorts (I assume based on the red triangle in Jan). Why isn't the Jan triangle a signal to sall long positions and the Msy Green a signal to go long? Why did you go short in January?
    It seems every red weekly has shorting possibilities, so what determines a decision to go short rather than to sell longs and stay out until the next green?
    This is important for seversl reasons.
    1-last monthly was red on 7/1/08, so should we have been in the market?
    2-the green weekly on 8/4 was followed by a red on 9/2 which would have given a slight loss.
    3-The green weekly on 12/8 was followed by the red on 1/12 (a loss), the one on which you indicated we should go short.
    So underlying this question is the issue of whether the short was made in hindsight or, if not (and I don't think it was), what was the reasoning involved so that I can know better how to use the triangles.

    1. Louis,

      Thank you for your feedback.

      Our trade triangle technology remains positive on the S&P 500. We use the weekly triangles for timing and they are still positive and we use the monthly triangles for trend. Both set of signals are positive.

      As of this date 6/8/09 we have all of our triangle technology pointing in a positive direction for the S&P 500. Eventually this will change and we will see a red weekly triangle which will indicate any exit only position.

      If you have any further questions please contact our help support desk. You can e-mail our support staff at su*****@in*.com.

      All the best,

  7. Adam,

    Your video has always make me think about the market and its direction and I thank you for this. If you ever look back at DOW Jones (SP500 doesn't go back as far) to the major 1929 depression ( which is caused by banking issues similar to what is happening now), in the 3-4 years from 1929 there were multiple rallies of 45% leading to 45% retracements. If we apply this to the SP500 low of March 6th, 45% rally will reach around 950 and retracement will drop down to around 820. Lets see if history repeats.

    1. Erwin,

      It is always good to look back and see what has happened in the past. While this may not be a perfect indicator it certainly is a scope into the markets mind back then. I believe that the rally that we have seen in the equity markets has come as a surprise to many traders.

      Thank you for taking the time to put out some of the interesting aspects of the 1929 market.

      All the best to you,

  8. You turned over a pebble, instead of a rocks and 2 boulders. I love analysis using the parabolic SAR. Turn over a stone (GOLD) . A boulder in bonds. The last, is the most interesting boulder, is the USD. Tiny Tim (turbo) speaks very good Chinese, indeed.

  9. In watching the video on the S&P 500, you refer to the green weekly triangle in March 2009 as a signal to cover shorts (I assume based on the red triangle in Jan). Why isn't the Jan triangle a signal to sall long positions and the Msy Green a signal to go long? Why did you go short in January?
    It seems every red weekly has shorting possibilities, so what determines a decision to go short rather than to sell longs and stay out until the next green?
    This is important for seversl reasons.
    1-last monthly was red on 7/1/08, so should we have been in the market?
    2-the green weekly on 8/4 was followed by a red on 9/2 which would have given a slight loss.
    3-The green weekly on 12/8 was followed by the red on 1/12 (a loss), the one on which you indicated we should go short.
    So underlying this question is the issue of whether the short was made in hindsight or, if not (and I don't think it was), what was the reasoning involved so that I can know better how to use the triangles.
    Sorry for the long post. Thanks for your help

    1. Louis,

      Once again thank you for your feedback. I believe I addressed and answered this in an earlier post of yours.

      All the best,

  10. Yes! You are right.

    I have been watching it for the past three weeks that IT should have corrected ... that we are wrong and the market is right, but it could happen any day now. Wall Street keeps drumming it up as the masses can not see the abyss behind it but live on day by day hype...

    Bill N.

  11. This is my observation, The market is following the bank stocks up. Geither needs the bank stocks to keep rallying so people will buy the bank shares which are currently being offered to infuse their coffers with new money. Otherwise, no one is going to invest in downtrodden bank stocks.

    This is accomplished by having the Plunger Protection Team (Google it) purchase the banks stocks, wherein the market keeps marching upwards on low volume. The big funds know this is a phoney rally. This is also the reason volume didn't surge when the S&P crossed the 200 day MA. In fact, the day the S&P closed above the 200 day MA, the SPY volume was 1/2 of the total volume from the first few days of this rally back in march. Check it for yourself.

    Most of the volume of the past few weeks is coming from the retail sector, (mutual fund folks) again, lambs being lead to the slaughter.

    Stockton, CA

  12. About a month ago you had a video on s-p 500 & you said if we go above 943.55 the s-p would push higher.What changed your view because we clearly broke that resistance? Also,in 6/4 video of s-p you said if go below 923.85 that would be sort of a sell signal.Does that mean if we just dip below that number or if we are below on a closing basis. Thanks,I enjoy you videos very much.

    1. Walker,

      Thank you for your feedback.

      As you can tell from the title of my last video there is a great disparity between the market and reality. Having said that, our trade triangle technology has caught this move up in the S&P 500 and the other equity markets quite well.

      The 923.85 level based on my June 4 video is a level that if broken you will see more of a pullback. Whether this potential pullback turns into a rout or a significant decline remains to be seen.

      All the best,

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