What market do YOU want to see analyzed?

Each week INO.com president and MarketClub co-creator, Adam Hewison, provides updates and analysis on a few of the key markets and indices here on our Trader's Blog. During this week's webinar, he will again provide analysis of some of the key markets, but this time, he will also be taking your requests - live!

Sign-up today to attend Friday's "Market Analysis with Adam" webinar and be sure to submit your requests on our registration page.

Don't worry if you can't make it, this webinar will be recorded and when it is posted, you can find the archive and also other video and webinar archives by clicking here and visiting our "Bonuses & Videos" page.

Hope to see you there!

Every success,

Susan Jackson
Director of MarketClub Education
INO.com & MarketClub

59 thoughts on “What market do YOU want to see analyzed?

  1. FMM,

    We are working on it. There are a lot of regulations down under that we are having to deal with.

    Please be patient and we will have ASX quotes on MarketClub as soon as we can.

    We are just as frustrated as you are with this situation.

    All the best,

  2. INO Team
    You were promosing that Australian Shares will be available from last christmas. Now it's Easter gone. Surely ASX can't be delaying the feed for so long.

  3. I would like to know more about investment opportunities in China and India. Emerging market, emereging companies

  4. agree with Raymond and Justin I would like to triangles on at least the 60 & 30 min charts. 2/4hr charts would be a nicety.

    I've been thinking a lot about your comment in last week's webinar that MCis unreliable for short term equity trading, but OK for forex...
    this might help that.

    Understand all this comes at a cost.

  5. Raymond is right. That was one of the main reasons I did not renew my subscription. That and your quotes are still delayed...

  6. I would like to see a soybeans analysis. Specifically if you have anything on the cycles of this market.

  7. How about triangle analysis at the 30m 60m and 2hr time frames for any index, sector and commodity.

    You folks are sadly missing and whip sawing many great short term swing trades.

  8. before registeration,whatever I gave a password in the end;it didn`t accept.What to do it?

    1. Hi Farnoosh,

      You should not have to give a password to register for the webinar. If you're having trouble, give us a call in the office at 410-867-2100 or email [email protected] and we can help you out.


      Susan Jackson
      Director of MarketClub Education
      INO.com & MarketClub

  9. Doesn't have to be at the seminar but would apprecaite Adam's take on SLV vs. ZSL, particularly that new monthly triangle yesterday on the ZSL.

  10. Commodities please: precious metals, base metals, grains, oil, natural gas, etc.

  11. Natural Gas is a very interesting one at the moment. On the MACD this appears to have turned. It is also historically very low - has the market over-reacted to the increase in finds/supply vs the longer terms increased use. In the long term is Natural Gas Funds or (ETFS in the UK) a good bet?

    I would also like to see UK shares available

  12. Silver and gold.
    I agree with cherie that silver is a sell at 18.10 for medium term sell

  13. I trust that Adam (as a real pro) will know which market/s & its trading 'instruments' are worth to talk/discuss about & this should be much appreciated.

    Thanks & the best,


  14. I have been short oil for 2 weeks now and I am getting HAMMERED!
    Could someone please tell me why oil is trading at $86.62 per barrel, while inventories continue to build? Am I missing something?

  15. Please, please, please do your thing on the S&P e-mini....
    I dare you.
    We're in the "no resistance " zone.
    It's gonna' be a wild ride.

  16. I would like you to do an study of the currency pair euro/usd of late i have been watching this currency pair and it has been on a rollarcoaster .this pair has not been anything like stable .

  17. I would like to know the best Fundamental Principles of analysing any Market for ST and LT Tradings.

    Tnanks in Advance

  18. The currency majors are my majors so far plus a few of the markets futures - and am keen to get into Nasdq which I find a bit daunting so far. For this learner MC is serving me well so far

  19. Dear Adam,
    Former member of Comex. Long time trader since 1967 opening day.
    I am a long term bull but believe trading short term against basic long positions could prove profitable. Do you ever recommend trading against long positions by selling forward on strong breakouts?

    Cover in short sales after markets retrench or correct?
    Thanks, Dr Tom, former CTA-CPO

    1. Dr Tom,

      Thank you for your feedback.

      The short answer is yes you can hold a core position in a longer-term trend and trade against that position on a short-term basis. Many traders at both the Comex and the CME use this strategy.

      All the best,

  20. silver for short term sell...It's at 18.10 as a high today, April 5, 2010. Think $18.10 will be top right now? I want to sell some but I also am keeping some long term. Thanks

    1. Ha, just wait till the next jobs report and short silver. That's the way the fat cats in London do it. It's also a smaller market so it can be controlled and it is controlled by a few major institutions. But wait for next months non-farm pay rolls and regardless of the report, positive or negative, short silver in pre-market. You will make a butt load of money. It's how I've made most of my money this year.

    1. Yes oil. And since it's a commodity currency, it will cover a bit of forex as well.

      1. Since Crude oil & gold is the real worlds currency I would like to see the relations Of CRUDE v/s Gold & its relation to the US dollar. I suspect its total inverse.

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