MarketClub TV for 8/29/12: September could be a killer month for stocks

Hello traders everywhere! Adam Hewison here, co-founder of MarketClub with your mid-day market update for Wednesday, the 29th of August.

In today's episode of MarketClub TV, we will be covering inflation and the bull market in the commodity sector. We will be examining crude oil more closely, given the fact that hurricane Isaac has now made landfall in Louisiana.

Why are the markets so quiet? Could September be a killer month? History has shown that September is the scariest month for Wall Street. Many traders remember September of 2008. Could this September be a repeat of the 2008 disaster? Europe and Ben Bernanke hold the keys to how September plays out.

We will be examining the nine major sectors and point out which ones are performing well, and which ones to avoid. We will be also looking at one index that is not performing the way it should be.

Now, let's analyze the major markets and stocks on the move using MarketClub's Trade Triangle Technology.
Click Here to view today's video

4 thoughts on “MarketClub TV for 8/29/12: September could be a killer month for stocks

  1. I think the Wall St. Mob is presently setting up the first of the Big Steals at Morgan Stanley. It´s a 100% sure thing for them. MF Global and Peregrine have confirmed that there is neither regulation nor law enforcement in these markets so it´s time to start cleaning out dubious stock brokerages. Morale seems to be tanking at MS these days, employees already looking for new positions elsewhere, etc. There´s definitely stink, so something is rotting.

  2. at first I though you were suggesting "killer" month as in a good month for stocks. I think it will be "killer" as in a bumpy ride for september...

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